New job idea: the office job


Forum Master
Oct 19, 2019
401 124
Hey guys, im a big fan of this survival server you guys hav r and i had a thought: how do you make a realistic and relatable job, something that the average man or woman can relate to? and then it hit me: i present the office job!

Overview: The office job is the new job addition to the /job command. The job points and money it gives is just enough to get around. But this is a special job, there is a twist. The player must spend around 1/3 of their survival day, every day doing this job while the higher leveled players who picked the same job give them more work as soon as they finish. This perpetual cycle lasts for around 40 survival years. The player can opt out at any time, but will not due to being dependant on the job points it gives and being under the assumption the corporate hell they are living in is the American dream! There are zero benefits to picking this job, other than receiving a small amount of money upon death, wasting your long prosperous life and killing any aspirations you may have. This job will also have a standalone leveling system, where you have a 95% chance of never getting to the max level. This is decided by pure luck upon joining the server for the first time.

Let me know what you guys think of this! As an avid survival player, i think this idea will benefit everyone in question.
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