New Maps not Being Updated: an Arising Issue

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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2015
18 9
Hello @Dacon,

It's come to my attention, that maps have not been actively added within the past few weeks to month, although about 7 maps were added a few days ago. I understand with the release of the new SkyWars, things might draw your attention over there, but listen, I know you know how to own a server and so does everyone else, but removing your attention from a single server could just be enough to cause an uprising. I feel that it's rather important that you continue to add maps and fulfill your promise of 38 maps in its entirety. Being a developer, I know what it's like to be under constant pressure, having constant projects and putting out updates. It's hard, but I don't get all that done on my own. I get it done with a team, a group of people, the Staff even contributes. I work alongside both server owners to get projects done, and when I finish one, we get Staff to test it with us, put it out there with us, and embrace it as something that we've completed together. Which brings me to my next point, your Staff members are being totally left out of the parkour map placement. The process could go so much faster if you had others help you. If you don't trust certain Staff members, then remove their permission to use World Edit in that world to add new maps! You need your Staff to help you in every way that you can get them to, that's what they signed up for! I was just hoping I could inspire you to trust your Staff team a bit more with more difficult and rather boring tasks and also to focus on all of your other servers, but the main issue comes down to parkour.

Thanks for taking your undivided attention to read this everyone,

Warm Regards,


Dedicated Member
Aug 3, 2015
64 10
Right, first things first. @Dynsalir , I don't want you to take offence by what I'm about to say but please hear me out. @Dacon, I feel like you should read this as well.

In my opinion, Dylan (Dynsalir) doesn't do as much as he possibly should for the server. Dacon is constantly pumping out new updates for us and working his butt off for us. Whether he's coding the plugins himself, or got a team to do it or just plugins from Bukkit, he needs someone by his side who will be able to support him.

If I'm wrong Dylan, please correct me and feel free to inform me about what your job does and such.

However, if Dacon was to have a [Manager] position on the server who will be able to make the updates whilst Dacon fixes issues, makes sure everything is stable, investing and collecting donations, he needs a position to be able to pump out updates instead of Dacon. Don't get me wrong, Dacon should still make sure the updates are working properly but not have all the pressure.

Instead of just Disliking this if you don't agree with it, please reply to my post with a constructive argument of your point of you.

Best Regards,
Syc - Corey.


Forum Expert
Jan 21, 2015
284 38
I would like to say one thing mount Olympus prison will be the biggest minevast updat ever. Dylan and Dacon have been working there butts off to try to get it out soon. I recommend not disrespecting staff members becuase I don't think you could do anything close to what Dylan has done for minevast. I would also like to say if you read the forums rules you should not put all the @'s in your posts.
Aug 8, 2015
4 2
Guys there's only so much you could do in a certain amount of time without being on the server 24/7... I understand why you guys are getting impatient but just give it some time, I'm sure they're working hard to finish everything.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2015
18 9
I highly disagree, I think despite their hard work they should pay attention to each server, doesn't matter how hard they work, it all needs to get done in a timely manner and quickly to meet the demands of the players. Especially people who have payed for Donator courses and such. Every server should get equal attention and should be looked at, and worked on daily. That's how it works on the server I develop for, each server gets undivided attention to keep everyone happy.
Aug 8, 2015
4 2
I mean, I'm guessing the owners are teenagers, so they may not have the time to always give their undivided attention to the servers. Not saying they shouldn't, but just give it into consideration that they may have other responsibilities to provide outside of the game of minecraft. I know I have a ton of summer work to complete.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2015
18 9
The player should not have to worry about that, they have dedicated themselves to creating a server and have over 200 players. Each server should require daily attention.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
28 4
I mean, I'm guessing the owners are teenagers, so they may not have the time to always give their undivided attention to the servers. Not saying they shouldn't, but just give it into consideration that they may have other responsibilities to provide outside of the game of minecraft. I know I have a ton of summer work to complete.
The higher staff are around 15-19.


Dedicated Member
Aug 3, 2015
64 10
I highly disagree, I think despite their hard work they should pay attention to each server, doesn't matter how hard they work, it all needs to get done in a timely manner and quickly to meet the demands of the players. Especially people who have payed for Donator courses and such. Every server should get equal attention and should be looked at, and worked on daily. That's how it works on the server I develop for, each server gets undivided attention to keep everyone happy.
This leads on to my point, I believe that Dacon needs more support to be able to manage all servers fairly. One man can not manage 7+ servers and work on updates at the same time. This is why I'm saying he should have another Owner or even a Manager position who will be able to handle one half of the servers and Dacon can handle the other half.


Forum Legend
Dec 23, 2014
949 86
This leads on to my point, I believe that Dacon needs more support to be able to manage all servers fairly. One man can not manage 7+ servers and work on updates at the same time. This is why I'm saying he should have another Owner or even a Manager position who will be able to handle one half of the servers and Dacon can handle the other half.
Minevast used to have 2 owners.... Didnt work out. Thats why we have a thing called staff.


Dedicated Member
Aug 3, 2015
64 10
Minevast used to have 2 owners.... Didnt work out. Thats why we have a thing called staff.
Yes, but Helpers and Moderators are here to make sure the chat is clean, people who are breaking rules are dealt with and much more. Sr Mods should be a little bit more advanced but nowhere near eligible to do any ownership abilities. Admins should be designated to different jobs around the server, like a General Admin who helps around everywhere when needed and who can also do some configurations to plugins within the FTP. A staff admin who controls and leads the Staff Team. I know Purple is currently in control of the Helpers but possibly she should be promoted to Admin and runs the whole team? I could go on for hours explaining some improvements. Maybe, like other big servers, Minevast should find a Big Youtuber , 200k+ subs, who would be an Owner and the Youtuber would not only advertise the server and make a larger community but obviously the Youtuber won't be doing any financial business or anything to complex or if anything around the server. I would like to see a Manager rank come to place and the Manager would control all updates and bugs around the server.


Forum Expert
Jan 21, 2015
284 38
SwiftLee I don't think it's your problem to tell minevast staff what to do. They worn hard just becuase parkour doesn't have a new map doesn't mean it's the end of the world. They have real life's they can't always be on. And please prison is the server least worked on. Being a prison player I have. Great deal of patience you should really just accept that fact that the owner work very hard and that they do as much as they can to help minevast and you are not to boss of them.


Dedicated Member
Aug 3, 2015
64 10
SwiftLee I don't think it's your problem to tell minevast staff what to do. They worn hard just becuase parkour doesn't have a new map doesn't mean it's the end of the world. They have real life's they can't always be on. And please prison is the server least worked on. Being a prison player I have. Great deal of patience you should really just accept that fact that the owner work very hard and that they do as much as they can to help minevast and you are not to boss of them.
If you want to quote someone directly, please press the "Reply" button underneath the post above the ratings.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2015
18 9
I was told to make this thread by a staff member, so I feel totally obliged to write this @Cheech4 , if you had read my post, you would've noted that I was not ordering Dacon around or any of the staff, I merely stated I wished to inspire this aura of hard-work amongst staff members and to be open to new things and possibilities. Patience is the whole point of this thread, too, we've all run out of it, it's been a month, so I was trying to inspire some action to get things done. If you can't appreciate me taking the time out of my day to attempt at helping the server in giving them some advice, I'm quite sorry for you @Cheech4 , but something must be done. That is the whole point of this thread if you'd have payed closer attention. Oh, and thank you for disagreeing with every reply and post I've made so far, truly appreciate it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2015
18 9
The point of this point was not to disagree or agree on something. It was to help Dacon get some inspiration to make bigger changes faster and more efficiently. So if you have something to disagree about, don't say it, we need positive ideas to revolutionize the way work gets done and how Minevast can update more efficiently, quicker, and on-time. Please post those ideas and not negative comments about what anyone else here has said. I understand that Dacon works hard, but compared to other servers, updates are a drag and aren't meeting player demands. As soon as a project is given, there should be a deadline, a team to work on it, specific assignments to help implement it, and a schedule when they should be working on it. I am not ordering this be done, only an idea! Thanks guys.
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