Hello AbsentScrixpt,
Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected.
Points that influenced the decision:
- The theme is not that clear, it is just a bunch of floating jumps.
- The build is barely there either. Just having floating jumps is overall messy and unattractive. I recommend picking a proper theme connected to a build next time to make it look nicer. Look around the Parkour world for some inspiration, but make sure to keep it original!
- The jumps have some variety to them and would pretty much suit their difficulty. Try to have the variety more spread out through the entire course and, if possible, add even more jumps so it still is interesting and fun to play.
- The length fits the hard difficulty, so that's fine.
Thanks again for submitting, we'd love to see another map sometime soon, so don't hesitate on making and submitting another one. :)
Also, if you have any questions or concerns, just PM me here on the forums or on Discord.