-1. The build is that sort of blocky, "3D pixel art" type of build which staff have said is unattractive. Also, the sword looks too short.
The theme isn't very original either, as there are TONS of Minecraft mob builds looking like this (Snowman, Creeper, Ghast, Blaze, Bunny, Shulker, OrangeWolf, Pig, Villager, ArrowPK, GuardianPK, Endermen (Donator), Chicken, SlimeBouncer, MagicalHalloween, Enderman, Fantasy, PolarBear, SkeletalSteve, Skulls, Ravager, NetherCastle (Donator), Jockey, CrazyCow, IronGolem, Blazes, Bats, Llamas, EnderDragonHead, Magma (Donator), SlimePK, Phantom, Squid).
The parkour is very well-suited to the difficulty, though, and nicely varied.