Rejected Piston fun by MLGguyinyourface

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Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
878 13
Hello MLGguyinyourface,

I regret to inform you that this map is being rejected. Firstly, as stated above, I would ask that if you submit maps in the future to please follow the format for Map Submissions. I was able to find your map, but I still don't know what difficulty you intended it to be! Please make sure to include the information in the format when submitting a map.

The theme is not original I suppose, as there isn't much of a theme at all or build to the map aside from the same block used for the majority of the jumps. When making a map, try to have a singular main structure to the map and attach the parkour on, around, or inside of the map in some way.
The parkour is hard for me to judge, as a difficulty wasn't stated in your submission. However, I will say that pistons and most redstone do not work in the main parkour world, and only plot world. Avoid using redstone in the future in your maps as this can keep your map from being accepted alone. You can use worldedit to use piston heads and bases separately.
The parkour was all floating (see above critique about having a build and attaching jumps), which makes the map very messy. There was also very little variation in the parkour, with most jumps involving pistons or just being normal blocks. Try to use many different kinds of blocks in your parkour, and mix them throughout to make a unique and interesting course! You can see examples of this at /warp beta on the server, or recently accepted maps in the Accepted maps subforum.

Thank you for submitting this map! If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord.
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