-1 This update has brought out the weak from the skilled. Weak players would camp the void allowing them to have an easy escape. A skilled player had to work on improving to be able to get away from such a thing like a 6 or 7v1. This update 100% improves the quality of life for team fights and other aspects. The void camping is easily avoidable by using pearls or not getting in that situation in the first place. You don’t like this update because it makes the game harder, also it takes away old “void camping” which your squad loves to do <3. “void camping” was op for many many reasons. It takes away from the experience of kitpvp. Now new players can’t just punch you to death in the void, they have to play the game and earn the items to fight you. This is a new update and as all updates do, they come with bugs and glitches. Taking out the void was smart and should not be reversed, it made kit pvp boring and useless to play knowing anyone can escape using the “void” as their only option. <3 -Tubby