Hello Ironwolf24,
I regret to inform you that this map is being
rejected. The theme is
not original, since we
already have many Rainbow themed maps (
3Rainbows to name a few). The build isn't
really much of a structure, it's a just a rainbow box with a rainbow and mario star pixel art.
We no longer accept maps with mainly pixel art as the build.
The parkour is pretty
out of scale with its length and difficulty. It has a length of an INSANE map, but the parkour fits an easy more than a medium aside from a few jumps. Please refer to our
Map Requirements Thread to see helpful information on map length corresponding to difficulty, among other important guidelines! The parkour is also
not varied or mixed much at all, as it's mostly just normal jumps, a few ladders, and some slimes. Try to use MANY different kinds of blocks for the jumps all throughout your map so your course is unique, and not repetitive.
Thank you for submitting this map! If you have any further questions about this submission, please feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord.