Hello DerEchteKumge! Unfortunately, your map has been rejected.
The vast majority of your parkour is floating above the void, and isn't connected to any build, which isn't ideal. The difficulty is also very inconsistent (for example, it goes from repeated 4 block jumps to 1 block ladder jumps or 0 block iron bar climbing), and it's far too long for a hard (hards are suggested to be about 65 jumps, and your map is over double that). Lastly, it's very repetitive, as roughly 90% of the map is just normal block jumps.
The map has no obvious theme; it's just a few floating platforms and a house at the end.
The build is not particularly good; as mentioned, it's just floating platforms and a house, which all have relatively simple designs.
Thank you for submitting, and I hope to see more maps from you in the future!