Rejected Ruined Town - hard (Resubmission)

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Aug 24, 2020
Username: xXSpaghett69Xx
Map Name: Ruined town
/plot v xXSpaghett69Xx 1
Difficulty: hard
65 jumps (75 if you include terrain)
4 Checkpoints

I fixed the parkour to make it less repetitive where I could, as well as added a few anti-cheat barriers around the edge of the tower

Images 1 and 2 show the full map
Image 3 shows the tower
Image 4 shows the building with checkpoints on it
Images 5 and 6 show the parkour and the final stretch

Please respond with suggestions as to what I could further improve if any


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Forum Master
Oct 23, 2019
618 31
Hey there, xXSpaghett69Xx
Unfortunately, I will be REJECTING this map submission.
Theme: For your theme, it's not really unoriginal but there's already a couple of parkour maps that look quite similar to your parkour map submission and the general look that you went with.

Build: Focusing on the town it's not that bad but it's still quite simple and somewhat ruins the theme of the parkour, I believe you could put more detail and effort into the buildings as they're pretty simplistic, for your mountains, there's not really many blocks to make up the mountain and it's mainly just stone walls that aren't created very efficiently, doesn't really give the mountain a natural type of feeling.

Parkour: For your parkour, the length of it, generally a little long for a HARD difficulty parkour map. Parkour maps aren't generally meant to find the start, I got quite confused at the start of your map actually figuring out where to go, I suggest adding more visible parkour and starting areas. Your parkour doesn't really have much variety at all and mainly felt repetitive and basic from my view.

Thanks for submitting this map! If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord.
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