Hey! As awesome as it is that you're submitting a map, I would encourage you to read this post to get a better idea of what to shoot for in a parkour map, since as of right now this does not match many of the requirements.
Unfortunately, I will be REJECTING this map submission.
Theme: As we have multiple Sand/Sandstone/Desert-related maps currently on our server, this is a pretty unoriginally themed map submission. I recommend that you look at our list of previously used maps/themes as to prevent such things in the future: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lZKQZMgGev6fXyhZ8nCPkTzNIj0yOjXjUTDvfzKNzl4/edit .
Build: Personally, I don't think the build is very good. It's just really unoriginal and bland. It's a sandstone cube with some parkour inside and outside of it. There's nothing much to the build at all. You need to try harder to build original and attractive structures, this just won't cut it.
Parkour: The parkour was way too long for how easy it was, so I'd recommend buffing it or cutting down on some jumps. Furthermore, the parkour was incredibly repetitive. I don't have to cite examples, I'm sure you're aware you put the same jump over and over again for most of the map. It was simple block to block jumps, hh's and some ladder jumps here and there. It just wasn't fun to do. You need to be more creative with your parkour!
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck