Should we be able to recommend staff?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2015
66 5
Well an awful staff member puts the entire community off, obviously everyone should get a say in someone being a staff member +1


Nov 2, 2017
1,316 43
I love the idea. This is obviously very well thought-out. However, as said above, the staff system does seem to work pretty well and is straightforward. I would be very positive about this idea if it became realized.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
89 3
Honestly, following what @Wizful said, the whole +1 system doesn't even help, it's up to one or two people who gets staff or not, the +1 is just an opinion, not that it would matter anyways...


Forum Legend
Jan 29, 2016
862 74
Bruh Amen
I love the idea. This is obviously very well thought-out. However, as said above, the staff system does seem to work pretty well and is straightforward. I would be very positive about this idea if it became realized.
Nah it doesn’t work well my guy. So many people have gotten promotions over others that deserved it way more.


Admin | Staff Manager
Jul 14, 2014
1,314 41
Nah it doesn’t work well my guy. So many people have gotten promotions over others that deserved it way more.
Not really Texans. Based on past conversations, you seem to feel that promotions should be given based on Seniority. Promotions are not, and should not be decided based on longevity. Likewise statistics such as the most playing hours, most bans, etc are not the key to promotion. You're most certainly entitled to your opinion. But there are many factors considered by upper staff. Promotions are not earned by longevity. While we value and appreciate the time volunteered to the community, time alone does not qualify one for Manager or Admin. Besides, why would anyone think the owner needs to justify his decisions on promoting higher staff to anyone. It boggles my mind that you or anyone would think their input is more valued than the owner's.

Honestly, following what @Wizful said, the whole +1 system doesn't even help, it's up to one or two people who gets staff or not, the +1 is just an opinion, not that it would matter anyways...
The +1 system works as intended. It lets the community give their opinion on prospective staff. There are many times when these votes have influenced the final decision. In my opinion, we have an excellent staff team, due in part to the input from the community.

However, the helper management team takes many things into consideration, including the input of staff (who generally give their opinions in private), player statistics, and information the general public does not have access to. This additional information can lead to a 'popular' player not being promoted. While popularity can be an indicator that a member will do well as staff, it certainly isn't valued as highly as some other characteristics such as integrity, kindness, reliability, maturity, helpfulness and a lengthy list of traits we look for. Personally, I don't care how many +1s a staff application receives if I have personal knowledge of a member sheltering ban evaders or trash talking staff and players behind their backs. The staff team is a TEAM. Trust is of the utmost importance and is valued more than a large vocabulary or ability to impress others.

Again, I do not speak for the entire Helper Management Team, or all of "higher staff". This is just my opinion.


Forum Expert
Feb 3, 2018
246 7
I really like this idea, as this gives the community a say about which staff should be higher ranked.

H a ι l e y

Active Member
Jul 20, 2017
76 2
Not really Texans. Based on past conversations, you seem to feel that promotions should be given based on Seniority. Promotions are not, and should not be decided based on longevity. Likewise statistics such as the most playing hours, most bans, etc are not the key to promotion. You're most certainly entitled to your opinion. But there are many factors considered by upper staff. Promotions are not earned by longevity. While we value and appreciate the time volunteered to the community, time alone does not qualify one for Manager or Admin. Besides, why would anyone think the owner needs to justify his decisions on promoting higher staff to anyone. It boggles my mind that you or anyone would think their input is more valued than the owner's.

The +1 system works as intended. It lets the community give their opinion on prospective staff. There are many times when these votes have influenced the final decision. In my opinion, we have an excellent staff team, due in part to the input from the community.

However, the helper management team takes many things into consideration, including the input of staff (who generally give their opinions in private), player statistics, and information the general public does not have access to. This additional information can lead to a 'popular' player not being promoted. While popularity can be an indicator that a member will do well as staff, it certainly isn't valued as highly as some other characteristics such as integrity, kindness, reliability, maturity, helpfulness and a lengthy list of traits we look for. Personally, I don't care how many +1s a staff application receives if I have personal knowledge of a member sheltering ban evaders or trash talking staff and players behind their backs. The staff team is a TEAM. Trust is of the utmost importance and is valued more than a large vocabulary or ability to impress others.

Again, I do not speak for the entire Helper Management Team, or all of "higher staff". This is just my opinion.
Well said and I couldn't of put it better myself. Purpz is right. There are so many things that are put into consideration when deciding who should be staff. No matter how many players agree their app is good, that isn't exactly how they decide.

And for your idea on voting on staff who should be promoted, it's nice that you are trying to get the community more involved. But the system now works best and the higher staff do monitor their actions on the server. So the players wouldn't know for sure if they truly deserve a promotion. Good idea though overall. It just wouldn't work for this case.


Dedicated Member
Aug 13, 2015
102 2

I would like to say a few words on this subject. I have found that this might help some players on getting to become staff since some people really work hard for it but do not get much credit for it.

However, there are some flaws with this that I have in my opinion. Some of the things would be that each and every person, of course, will still need to apply, and some members will not want to be staff and might get requested. If however, you need to have applied to get the recommend it doesn't have to much effect as you have the +1, 0, -1 spiel. I do need to credit @Wizful for this as I do *sadly* have to say the same thing. I will not go into too many details, but I will say I applied and had all +1, with a lot of views, and everything but minor things that occur can really affect you, the +1, -1, 0 opinion things really have not much effect. I will say community members think it has much effect but it is for sure looked at and considered but it is not something you look at and say "This person said +1, I guess we will allow him or her to become staff". Sadly if that actually worked that way, it would be an off community.

I love the idea of recommending people, but that can all be done elsewhere and in other places. As quite frankly it's already implemented whether it is used to it's fullest.

Thanks, (this is all in my opinion)
No hate needed
