What about when you get close to Jumper and then spawn parkour just breaks and doesn’t give you any more jumps and you’re left to jump back and forth on the same two blocks even though they don’t count as jumps because it’s broken and you don’t want to accept it so you just keep jumping as the tears stream down your face for the rest of eternity
I've done one insane, and I actually lost mana by doing so. Just ask @InfinityxKatrina. I probably bought 7500 worth of epearls (with mana of course), failing at most of them, and then completing the course FINALLY. That was quite the experience.
I've done one insane, and I actually lost mana by doing so. Just ask @InfinityxKatrina. I probably bought 7500 worth of epearls (with mana of course), failing at most of them, and then completing the course FINALLY. That was quite the experience.