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- Jan 24, 2015
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- 7
Hi, I was trying to get some players head finding it on the FreshCoal database (heads.freshcoal.com), but I can't only get the head on /give and with NBTs i.e: Hot Chocolate Head: (/give @p skull 1 3 SkullOwner:{Id:"3c534489-c08b-4c4f-a5ec-9bd9934be7c4",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDExNTExYmRkNTViY2I4MjgwM2M4MDM5ZjFjMTU1ZmQ0MzA2MjYzNmUyM2Q0ZDQ2YzRkNzYxYzA0ZDIyYzIifX19"}]}}}).
As you can see in the Orange text, the SkullOwner tag is using his UUID, /ph spawn and /i can't use Tags or UUIDs, in the Lime text, are the head properties, also I need them, so, how I can get that heads using the UUID, and not using /ph spawn or /i. I tried spawning it in a SinglePlayer world without the DisplayName, and, I only get the UUID, not the name, so please, help me. I repeat: I can't use /ph spawn <usr> or /i skull...
As you can see in the Orange text, the SkullOwner tag is using his UUID, /ph spawn and /i can't use Tags or UUIDs, in the Lime text, are the head properties, also I need them, so, how I can get that heads using the UUID, and not using /ph spawn or /i. I tried spawning it in a SinglePlayer world without the DisplayName, and, I only get the UUID, not the name, so please, help me. I repeat: I can't use /ph spawn <usr> or /i skull...
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