Rejected Springtrap-Medium Or Hard

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Nov 1, 2020
Map Creator: uraketu
Map Name: SpringTrap
Map Location: /plot v uraketu 2
Map Images:
My Favorite Game: Minecraft
My Favorite colour: Red
My Favorite food: Spaghetti
My fav-wait a minute
Edit; I uprgaded him a bit so visit before judging
Last edited:
Nov 8, 2020
6 1
Map Creator: uraketu
Map Name: SpringTrap
Map Location: /plot v uraketu 2
Map Images: View attachment 38915 View attachment 38916 View attachment 38917 View attachment 38918 My Favorite Game: Minecraft
My Favorite colour: Red
My Favorite food: Spaghetti
My fav-wait a minute
It looks good but somehow a bit empty. Remember to read to get a better idea of the format. It is really cool you are submitting a map!


Forum Expert
Feb 27, 2019
255 2
Hello uraketu!

I am here to give you my review of the map. Please remember that I am not a map judge and my opinion doesn't affect whether the map gets accepted or not, I'm just trying to give you advice that I feel like could help your map get accepted and be more fun. You don't have to do any of these changes I ask you to do!

Manacube has three main parkour criteria that you should always follow when making a map. I'll review those three points thoroughly, in this reply.

Firstly the THEME of your map. A map submission should always have an original theme to it, or at least an original approach when making the map. As there is only one map related to Five Nights At Freddy's accepted right now, and it's of a different character, I believe this map submission is original in a way. The map style and take on the character is quite similar to the other map accepted however, but I still believe you have chosen an original idea. Good work!

Secondly the BUILD of your map. I agree with what Rogue_Bee said above, I believe the build looks alright, but it feels like something is missing from it, it's rather empty. Maybe adding a floor to the build could help, but as I'm not the bestest builder myself either I don't know what else you could really do. It's an alright build that is accurate to the character, but could be improved. Nice work!

And lastly the PARKOUR of your map. It is problematic, and funnily enough it feels exactly the same as you have listed it. It's unbalanced and switches between Medium and Hard difficulty, which is something you should avoid. If I had to choose I would say that the parkour length seems to be more on the Medium side, while the difficulty is more on the side of a Hard map. However I thought the parkour was decent! The block choices you used were great, and the build doesn't ruin the aesthetic side of the map. I thought that the parkour was also pretty fun, the parkour had some variation and didn't really feel boring at any part. The checkpoint placements were well thought out, with there never being a part that is too long or too short to me. I also couldn't find any skips, so I can believe that you have put effort into your map. Nice work!

Right now I am giving this map a 0. I think your map is decent, but I also believe that your map needs some work before it can be accepted. Once again, remember that my words shouldn't be taken as a fact. If the Map Judges disagree with my opinion, then they will g by their own thoughts.

Good luck! :)


Forum Expert
Sep 3, 2020
265 1
Just on Gamer's comments regarding the build i think you would benefit a lot from making the build thicker to match the body styling of the character. from what i can gather the individual body parts look rounded and blob like (idk how to describe it lol). i think u have done a pretty good job so far of capturing springtrap but i think the build would benefit from making it seem less boxy, what i mean is try to avoid long straight lines on the build as they do not at all hint towards a helical body shape. you could also experiment with placing glass in recesses such as black glass where the current red block is and pushing the red back one layer. this would create more depth to the holes and make them feel as they should. for furture reference i recommned when building organics to have some sort of off camber position or stance to give the illusion of animation, when the arms and legs are vertical it is, despite being accurate, not conveying the sense of life the build should create. for instance spring trap, when i google him, is always doing something, whether that be lurching sideways menacingly or adopting a scary pose. creating a larger build in the future will help you do this better as you can create a more detailed and seemless body form!
Those are just some pointers that may or may not be right idk.
personally i think the build is pretty decent as is and would benefit alot from adding a few of these extra things ive suggested. also dont feel obliged to keep these changes if you do them and they look shit, just do what you think looks best!
also dont feel obliged to completely restart! the other suggestions are just for future maps you create which im sure will be awesome!
Any way ill come check out the parkour some time as well.
good luck
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Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
877 13
Hello uraketu,

I am sorry to tell you this map is being rejected. The theme is fairly original, there is another FNAF character but Springtrap has not been done yet, so good job on that! However, I would agree with comments stated above that he is a bit too thin and boxy. He otherwise looks passable and recognizable as the character.

The parkour is the main problem with the map. The parkour is pretty repetitive in some places, and as stated above kinda falls in a weird place between medium and hard. It is best to build the parkour with a specific difficulty in mind. The parkour also felt a bit awkward on such a lanky build, I think the parkour could also benefit from the build being larger and having Springtrap built a bit thicker (which would be more accurate to the character).

Thanks for submitting this map! If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on the forums, in-game, or on Discord. Hope to see more maps from you!
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