the first time i played the pk i found it quite bland and boring but as i replayed it quite a few times and knew the flow it grew on me so well done in that respect. i think my intial opinion formed from a few inappropriate blockchoices and a few jumps that were somewhat jerky.
just a personal issue of mine with chest used like this XD, idk i just find it looks ugly and adds nothing to the pk.
maybe add a marker of some description maybge a few buttons on top of the barriers to show they are there.
idk how the tp pad is supoosed to be accesible but u can pretty much reach it from any of the pk past the trapdoor. maybe rethink how this section works so it will work properly wihtout to many barriers!
any ways the pk was pretty fun in the end of the day well done.
onto the build which id say is the weakest part of the map.
it is quite accurate and i fully see how its hard to add details to an objet which is inherently pretyt bland and i think what you have done with the buckles etc is a really nice touch. that being said i do agree with bin somewhat and the build is still in the end of the day relatively boxy and inanimate. i usually find with objects that are hard to make look really snazzy is jsut to animate them in some way whether its being opened or on a conveyer belt or anything you would do with a suitcase just to boost it that further step! i actually find the build its self acceptable atm and i think uve done a great job with the position you have chosen for it but i dont believe the position lends to your building ability and restricts your chances of getting featured which you guys could well do!
idk bout theme and im to lazy to check but id hazard a guess and say its original and iof not its probably way better than other suitcase builds XD
anyway take my feedback with a grain of salt as usual and dont take it to heart im just tryna improve things for next time!
PS i like da kicks