Tag someone you're happy to have in your life!


Dedicated Member
Dec 8, 2019
104 46
as September is Sui Prevention month , i would like to take the time to thank the people who have helped me get through some of the worst parts of my life.

some people say living is easy but its quite the opposite , and living when you just dont want to anymore is so hard and painful , it's taken me so long to get somewhat of a hold on my life but it's still not where it should be.

ff you don't know me then, hi i'm chloe! i have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder + complex post traumatic stress disorder!

i have been in the mental health system since i was young and i want to make sure people are being heard and have a place to go , someone to help , someone to relate to , any help is better than no help.

during the past year i have almost lost my life twice , but having supportive friends is so important and well my best friend? she saved my life , literally. i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her and i am so thankful to have her in my life. so for the meaning of this post , @Kixi is the person i'm extremely happy to have met and have in my life! <3

i would like to create a somewhat safe space where you can show your love towards the important people in your life!

some of my favourite sayings have been ;

- spread love , not hate.
- be kinder to yourself , it's your first time living
- it's okay to not be okay and it's okay to ask for help
- the world is much more beautiful with you in it
- you matter
- you are loved
- you are important

spread the love by tagging someone who you're glad to have in your life! <3<3<3


Feb 1, 2023
11 10
@xChlxe you have made such a big impact on my life and i honestly don't know where i would be without you. you've always been here for me when i needed it most and for that i could never thank you enough <3
im so glad you are still here! i would do absolutely anything for you and i know you would do the same for me <33