Hello X_Wisheh_X,
Unfortunately I will be rejecting your map.
The theme isn't very original, as there are a few maps already that fit in the desert theme, as well as many maps with the floating islands theme.
The build isn't very attractive, you primarily used sand & sandstone, making the build look quite plain, I know for the desert theme that it is harder to use a large variety of blocks.
The parkour is quite repetitive, there were a lot of single block jumps & ladders, this makes the map less enjoyable to do, so I would recommend using a larger variety of blocks & items when creating jumps. I noticed a lot of barriers in the map, it made it a lot more confusing at points in where you were meant to go. In the future, I would suggest using less barriers & adding something like signs or item frames along them to give a clearer guide on where they are, to make the map less confusing.
Thanks for submitting your map! Hope to see more maps from you in the future.