Time To Say Hi


Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,908 47
uh, hi!

You know me, I'm SSM.
But uh... I'm now at 1000 posts and haven't introduced myself... Pardon my rude manors. On November 13th @Lavendel l told me to make an introduction, and @Dutchy1372 recently did his, so now I really had to.
You'll never know my real name. I keep it a secret but have got many aliases' you may know.

I joined ManaCube in June 2019, I think ? I was confident it was August but when I asked I was told June. Anyways, I was looking for a prison server, preferably not op prison, but found Mana. It was probably the 3rd server on the list I looked up? The others were too much of 'op prison'. I wanted to have to actually mine without enchants doing it all for me. I mined for about 12 hours straight that first day, got to titan, and had 500m$. I didn't know about rebirthing at the time and didn't really have any care for prestiging. But eventually, BlackPTNL had peer pressured me into rebirthing and that started my ManaCube career. So if you don't like me, blame him! I was slightly angry about losing all the extra money, but it was fine since I loved mining.
After a couple of days, I started to warm up to the community and server so I started talking with people and making friends and enemies. Once I started to realize what the game was, I wanted to be one of the top players. I have never, and will never, want to be #1. There is too much pressure and drama associated with that, and I already have too much going on-- Since I've always had an interest in the mechanics of things, I was curious as to how people like Swaae, Arenzo, AddidasSlav, Penguin_12_ (RealPg) were rebirthing so quickly. I learned about mob grinders, spawner shops, and all that. I wasn't too happy when I found out that donor players got extra plots, so I made a promise that I wouldn't become a ranked player like that. I spent the rest of Season 2 Aether grinding and reached #5 top miner and (I think) #5 top rebirths in just 3 months. I wanted to create this message to new players that you don't actually need to pay to win, and I felt satisfied with what I had accomplished.
Later on in my ManaCube career, some guy bought me temp VIP but told me it was perm, so they could get me to delete all the items in my /pv and on my second plot. I'm not sure I'm allowed to say how I found this out... I might get in BIG trouble... I then panicked and rushed to buy perm VIP so I wouldn't lose anything. End of the story, I didn't lose anything but my pride of being a non-ranked player and some people who I thought were friends.
I still carry pride and representation for the nonranked player community. We are the ones who carry the server to new places. I am an advocate for removing p2w, so I was happy when Dacon announced it was being removed from factions. It gave me hope that soon the whole server will be p2w free. No comment on my current hopes and wishes of ManaCube.

Whatever-- I'm taking too much about the game and not me.
I'm 18 years old. I'm studying plastics engineering in college. I'm an Eagle Scout and a black belt *karate chop*.
I used to work in construction, but because of covid, I've had to stop that. I also don't have my license yet... there is a 3-month waiting list to apply to schedule a driving test in my state, so I have no idea when I'll get that and be able to get another job.
I'm a huge outdoorsman. If you don't see me online, I'm either in the bathroom or outside. Corona has stopped me from doing a lot of my normal outdoor activities, due to the huge increase in recreation where I live. Some of my favorite outdoor activities are camping, hiking, fishing, skiing, bushwacking, and 5 stand (shotgun shooting).
I love to cook. I got my own cast-iron skillet for Christmas and I've been using it every single day since.
I also got a wood lathe for Christmas! I've made some test pieces, just random things, but I intend to go to a woodcraft store near me and get good wood for making furniture and things.

I feel like I'm misunderstood a lot. Not with the jokes or comments that I intend to be wild, but for me as a person. I know I got into some social conflict while on ManaCube and that's lead to what is it now, but it feels that people don't care to know the truth, to know me, and to move on.

I wish I could tell more about myself, but I spent too much time blabbing about the stupid game like I always do, sorry.
Maybe I'll make another introduction one day explaining more about me and the character I've built on here.

As I end this, I'd like to leave you with some of my favorite words and sayings that I try to live by day to day. I've taken them to the heart and hope that you can get something out of them too.

Seek First To Understand Before Being Understood (SFTUBBU)
It's all in your head, get it out the way.
It can wait.
Why do you smile so much? Because it's worth it.

Thanks for learning about me some bit! I'll gladly answer any questions if you ask.


Forum Legend
Sep 11, 2019
845 14
Hey SSM!

Love the introduction. I’m glad to have met you! You are a great guy :D

It’s fun to always keep learning new things about people :)


Forum Legend
Dec 11, 2018
969 30
o m g

Hi ssm! such a detailed introduction- how fancy fancy!

I think I've learned a lot about you from your introduction- I know we have talked a decent amount in the past but it was always about reports or staffing related things. If you ever need someone to talk to I am here for you! Or if you just want someone to goof off with and send memes to- i'm also here for that haha!

Glad to see you active on the forums- I hope the activity stays!