Rejected unicode_ Medium To the end map

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Forum Legend
May 12, 2019
501 11
Hey Unicode_,

Unfortunately, I will be REJECTING this map submission.
  • Theme: As we have an overabundance of biome-related maps currently on our server, this is a very unoriginally themed map submission. I recommend that you look at our list of previously used maps/themes as to prevent such things: .
  • Build: Personally, I don't think the build is very good. It is extremely unoriginal and unattractive. This build isn't unique, we have a bunch of maps that feature the different biomes. It's very hard to do something new with this theme. As there's no central build, the build comes across as very messy and cluttered (especially the part where the 3 biomes combine). Furthermore, all of the components from the strips of dirt to the floating trees to the "end" part are all so poorly executed that it creates a very poor image. There are a lot of things to fix.
  • Parkour: The parkour was more fitting for the easy difficulty, and as it's long enough for it then it's alright. But, I did not find it to be fun to do. You used a lot of the same jumps consecutively. For example, the beginning was repeated similar dirt jumps and then the end was identical obsidian jumps. It's just not enjoyable to do the same thing repeatedly. You need to be more creative. Also, the parkour was very exploitable as you didn't utilize barriers. Remember to use them in the future.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck!
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