Update /gradehelp.

Dec 29, 2016
So I just joined recently on this server, I love it so far. But the /gradehelp seems inaccurate smh.

  • To be C it says "Understand depths and concepts" so I thought that they will just look how you detail and add depths to your build. I did it, I know it lacks but I'm sure its enough for C. So if you will be needing terrain for C atleast put "Understand depths, terraformings and concepts" cause the first thing I thought terrain is not necessary for C.
  • And at B_example the example is 2 merged plots but C people dont have permission to merge plots.
Dec 29, 2016
Oh I completely agree! I too am a recent member of the Manacube Creative server, and I think there whole ranking system needs to be looked at.

The gap between the ranks are huge and unrealistic. d_example is definitely a bad plot, as example that you don't need much skill to get D. But then D+_example is a huge jump from D, and then C again is a large jump. I feel like this is inconsistent and definitely needs to be looked at.


Dedicated Member
Nov 10, 2015
178 13
Plus all mods have different point of view about your plot. How can someone tell its a C plot or D lmao.
Although I'm not completely certain since I don't play creative, but I believe there is a group of mods that grade plots. You're right each person's opinion is different, but you just have to form to their opinions, not the whole staff team.


Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2016
452 24
So I just joined recently on this server, I love it so far. But the /gradehelp seems inaccurate smh.

  • To be C it says "Understand depths and concepts" so I thought that they will just look how you detail and add depths to your build. I did it, I know it lacks but I'm sure its enough for C. So if you will be needing terrain for C atleast put "Understand depths, terraformings and concepts" cause the first thing I thought terrain is not necessary for C.
  • And at B_example the example is 2 merged plots but C people dont have permission to merge plots.
Oh I completely agree! I too am a recent member of the Manacube Creative server, and I think there whole ranking system needs to be looked at.

The gap between the ranks are huge and unrealistic. d_example is definitely a bad plot, as example that you don't need much skill to get D. But then D+_example is a huge jump from D, and then C again is a large jump. I feel like this is inconsistent and definitely needs to be looked at.
Plus all mods have different point of view about your plot. How can someone tell its a C plot or D lmao.
Although I'm not completely certain since I don't play creative, but I believe there is a group of mods that grade plots. You're right each person's opinion is different, but you just have to form to their opinions, not the whole staff team.
Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to create this post, and reply to it. I am Wizful, a creative moderator whom is known as the toughest grader on the server. I am glad I found this post, that way I can clear some things up. Firstly, There is a huge cap between the C rank and the B rank. For that matter, this a huge gap between C and C+. A C+ or B builder must understand the balance of terrain and structure, whilst maintaining a fluent theme throughout the build. Not to mention, both the terrain and structure must look very good.

Here are some things I look for when grading for C (Keep in mind I am the toughest grader, so if you meet my requirements you will surely receive C) :

1) About 50% terrain 50% structure
2) Terrain is smoothed, detailed but not over detailed
3) Structure has depth, and good amounts of exterior and interior detail
4) The plot is filled
5) The theme is continuous

The main thing D+/D builders should focus on when trying to get C is their terrain. To learn more about how to create terrain click here or here.

If you have any further questions, please do reply to this post, or create a conversation with me! Thanks!

Last edited:
Dec 29, 2016
1) About 50% terrain 50% structure
2) Terrain is smoothed, detailed but not over detailed
3) Structure has depth, and good amounts of exterior and interior detail
4) The plot is filled
5) The theme is continuous
Atleast replace the current description at /gradehelp.