Welcome to Minevast's new forums!
We hope you enjoy our new, beautiful, more powerful, and cheaper forums, XenForo.
Please feel free to register an account and attach your Minecraft account by clicking your profile in the top right-hand corner, and then clicking Minecraft Account in the dropdown menu, or by simply clicking here:
Also, any staff who need their rank can post in the chat on Skype or reply to this thread.
Any donators who need their rank can reply to this thread.
If you have any issues or ideas for the new forums, post in the Forum Feedback section.
We hope you enjoy our new, beautiful, more powerful, and cheaper forums, XenForo.
Please feel free to register an account and attach your Minecraft account by clicking your profile in the top right-hand corner, and then clicking Minecraft Account in the dropdown menu, or by simply clicking here:
Also, any staff who need their rank can post in the chat on Skype or reply to this thread.
Any donators who need their rank can reply to this thread.
If you have any issues or ideas for the new forums, post in the Forum Feedback section.