What makes a good staff member?


Forum Master
Jul 10, 2019
339 5
What do you guys think makes a good staff member? In my opinion, the three traits that make a staff member good are being honorable, Well-Disciplined, and interacts heavily with the community.

Why being honorable is important in staff members.
The fact is trust is a huge part in being a staff member. To avoid abusing power and ruining the reputation of other staff members through abuse of power of staff. In my experience since playing from Minecraft Alpha, having any abusive staff or power abusing staff is a major thing that makes a server feel horrible to play with. Furthermore, it ruins any trust between staff members and community members with abuse of power. If a staff member is unhonorable that means they will not uphold the rules and have bias with other members on a server with they themselves defining the rules in a way.

Why being well-disciplined is important in staff members.
It means the person will interpret the rules properly as defined by the owner without any bias. It means the staff member is fairly applying punishments to people based on the rules and guide-lines as defined by the owner. If a staff member is undisciplined it means they will set their own punishments based on their own judgement. Meaning they might not enforce rules that have make the server a better place or keep help keep the server from chaos. that is why a staff that follows the rules is important.

Why interacting with the community is important in staff members:
It is an important thing to interact with the community as it means helping out people who have questions or creating events for people to join in. A staff that interact heavily with the community helps make the entire community a better place and motivates people to stay with a server. It helps maintain a server population and helps make the entire community safer and builds trust with the community of a server. If staff in general don't interact with the community it makes them feel unheard and distanced from the staff. Making it seem like their is separate community all together with staff and the regular server. It makes a server less enjoyable and seem like the staff don't do anything to the community.

What do you guys think makes a good staff member and what is the reasoning behind that thing makes a good staff member?


Olympus | Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,324 82
Hello, @Geshultz. I’d just like to give my two cents on this thread; Considering this is a question (or at least similar to the question) used in the ‘Staff Application’ form, I think this information/opinion is best kept private until players decide to apply for staff, and answer the question themselves.

As a member of staff myself, I cannot comment on this, nor can I express my opinions on the topic itself, but the point of the post - while I believe you have good intentions and are trying to engage a conversation within the community and get opinions - I think you should keep this to yourself, especially if you are considering applying for staff at any point.

My reasoning for this, is purely down to plagiarism - While outright plagiarising is not allowed at all in the applications, and is taken seriously, I believe if players start sharing their opinions on this question here, it could lead to others taking sections of other players thoughts and opinions, changing the wording or the order, and using them in their own applications. I also believe that since it’s related to staff applications, it should remain there, and shouldn’t really be taken outside of that. We prefer players creating applications independently and without help - Staff are not allowed to give any help to players with applications, be that guiding them through the process, giving them ideas of what to write, etc. so, we’d rather players not do this either, as it makes it hard to decipher how well the applicant does, without help from others - Basically, if you can’t find the application section yourself, and can’t form an opinion on the questions yourself, you may not be ready for staff yet, as the application process plays a huge part of becoming staff.