Worst injury?


Dedicated Member
Sep 23, 2015
97 13
I got a pretty big bo-bo today in my phys ed class. I was wondering what everyone's worst injury was as it will make me feel better to hear about people who got worse injuries in a dumber way then I did. This is what I want to know. What injury did you have and how did you get it. I'll start.
I have two that are about equal.
#1. Sprained Wrist: Today in my class (called Lifetime Sports) we were riding bicycles and after a few days of doing this today we did a relay race in the parking lot. First team up and around the pole on the far side of the parking lot and back wins. I chose the back as I was very confident in my speed. We were even until the second to last in both lines where the person in my team was slow as a snail and I started against the last in the other team about 5 seconds late due to her. I didn't want to let my team down so I took off as fast as I could so I could catch up. As I was approaching the turn around to come back I started to hit the break (about 4 secs before the turn). I knew if I wanted to at least get close to catching up I had to take this turn fast but even with that four seconds of brake time I was still going to fast but I didn't know it yet. I started to turn (like a dummy) with the brakes still on and my back tire drifted (even though I was using both brakes evenly. My weight helped to force the bike to the ground but I caught myself. First thing to land and take practically all the impact was my right hand. Second was the left. Third and fourth were the shoulder and leg. I got up but I didn't feel embarrassed because I wouldn't have made that without doing the turn that sharp and I feel my team knew that. I stood up with adrenaline pumping so nothing hurt that bad yet but I could feel my right wrist. The teacher rushed over to see me pushing the bike with only my left hand. I told her my wrist got it bad and we did some wrist exercises. Turns out it's swollen and I have throbbing pretty bad. Can't even tie my shoes....

#2. Ear Infections Yay..: Over the summer I did a lot of swimming and got one type of ear infection in one ear and both types in another ear. This one has less description because it happened over a period of time and it was actually more painful than the wrist I have now.

I'm very excited to hear your stories (Purpz in specific cause she's had some bad things happen to her XD)
~Cheech <3
Oct 4, 2015
4 1
I was in tai kwon do a few years ago, and I was in a tournament sparring with an opponent, that guy was strong and he kicked my right in my shin so hard that even with padding I got a huge bruise on my left leg.

2. One time when I was young I thought it would be fun to jump of a little ledge in my house down onto a staircase with my cousins. I jumped off and landed it, before I slipped of the step an rolled down the stairs...


Dedicated Member
Jul 22, 2015
Worst injuries:

Concussion aka I did a stupid in football

I was running in the hall once. I pushed off the wall to turn but did it wrong. My legs fell out from underneath me to the side, and I drove the underside of my kneecap straight into the edge of a wall. I still feel pains in my knee and it happened 4 years ago.

Various injuries I've had: stuck a pencil in my vain and caused a blood guyser. Got a spring stuck in my finger. Flew off my bike into a ditch and hurt my everything. Have broken many a finger, and I randomly sprained my ankle once.