An (updated) Guide to Plots


Olympus Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,353 83
Before the Olympus reset (March 9th), I wrote up a thread dedicated to information about plots in hopes to help any new-comers that may have any questions, and also to answer any of the FAQ, such as "how do I claim a plot" for example. I will link the first thread at the end of this one, incase you wish to check it out, as most of the things in that thread are still valid.

I'll just be commenting on any changes and explaining several additional things, if you have any further questions after reading this guide, don't hesitate to contact myself, or another member of staff.

Plot Moving
To move your plot, you need to speak to an Olympus mod, however you must have a valid reason in order to move a plot, for example; you plan on buying a rank so you can merge plots but the surrounding ones are claimed. If a member of staff agrees to move your plot, you'll need to mine up any spawners you have, otherwise stacks of spawners will be set to 1. You'll also have to find an unclaimed plot yourself and give the staff member the X;Z coords (found by standing on a plot and doing /p info).

If you have any warps set on your plot, you can ask the staff member(s) to delete it, if you wish to re-set the warp on your 'new' plot.

Changes to Spawners
Season 2 of Olympus introduced "spawner stacking" meaning you cannot place spawners of the same type next to each other anymore (like you could in S1). In the Community Discord, there was two announcements a while ago explaining the new changes. I don't think I need to elaborate much on this as the below images explain themselves, but if you do have any questions, I'll be happy to answer those.

Merging/Un-merging Plots
To merge plots, you must be at least VIP. Once you merge 2 plots, those plots will act as ONE. Meaning, if you do /p clear for example in hopes to clear one of the merged plots, you'll have to unlink them first before clearing, otherwise both plots will be completely reset. If you decide you want to un-merge plots, you'll need to break any blocks/spawners/items placed where the road is/was (the 'road' is the birch planks that outlines plots), otherwise they'll be lost and rollbacks aren't always guaranteed, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

Another thing I'd like to mention that I used as an example in my previous thread, is that the flag "instabreak" is no longer usable, and is disabled for players due to a bug. Other than this, I believe the commands and explanations are all up-to-date, if I made any mistakes, just let me know.
Previous thread: