what is your favorite interaction on mana? - i can't count a specific instance, but overall my favorite interactions is when im just grinding out and hop in vc and while not that many people join its fun too meet new people, making small talk is pretty fun and i enjoy making friends with ppl i would have never met before.
what do you like most about the server overall?- I think the best couple aspects of the server are, #1 the community is strong in some aspects in the sense that people know each other and in general are friendly enough. also The server is high quality there's a high amount of content and it gives us all something to do.
what do you think about the crate system? meh, its just meh, I personally think they need reworks, I'm not sure what in specific but slow down on the cosmetics and also maybe make the crates every other month, but I think in general like any mc server crate systems are inherently evil its gambling for children, convince me otherwise and ill edit that out!
what is your genuine thought on the server?- The server is great but there is defiantly a toxicity problem both player on player and player on staff/server. people overate on a lot of aspects of the server , every month when the new crate is shown its overall a negative reactions and people start mini riots, also players can be downright mean to each other and while i am lucky and never really had a negative experience with other players its easy to see that people can be cruel, make bad deals, misinform, or just be mean for their own benefit/enjoyment, and while I agree that's life and not much can be done, but as a community we could be nice and more welcoming and while i think its a small percent that are like that they are the loudest and therefore seen the most, also the player base is so mean to staff, and its just like, WHY? 9/10 times when your an ass to staff your just making their day worse and have done absolutely nothing to your benefit but look stupid, also i want to speak on the over hate dacon gets, he is criticized at every turn for the most part unjustifiably and while i think he could communicate better and have some place within the community instead of kind of being a shadow, its not hard to see why he does it when all people do is criticize his every move. in conclusion think b4 u speak bozos.
thank you for your time - trouble maker deo - No u thanks for giving me something to do