I have an island I share with GamerMagnusDK, and we have a mob farm and a cactus farm. Our drops are funneled into an inf chest by a chopper. However, since only one person can own the infinity chest, I have to wait until Magnus gets on to receive m earnings from afking on our island. So my idea was, what if you were able to share the earnings from your inf chest with other people? You could set a percentage amount that they would receive and even set a time limit for their access to these earnings. If you are worried about people selling access to their inf chest for cash or cubits, then limit the amount of people who can share a chest at one time and/or make it so that only island members can share a chest. I feel this would make it much easier for friends who worked together on a farm and are sharing the profits. It gets a little annoying to constantly have to ask the owner to pay you your share and its their discretion whether to pay you the actual percentage agreed upon. I hope I explained my idea thoroughly and I'd appreciate it if you decided to implement this change.