Recent content by Zudox

  1. Zudox

    A very on time intro

    Txilsy, you wanted us to come with some food you should try. I'd suggest trying ryebread (Since I am dane). Not many people out side Denmark likes it though...
  2. Zudox

    Disable Voting when we get enough votes?

    I agree with Dominator. There should be no goal, but damn the spam sucks...
  3. Zudox

    R.I.P. Whity

    Yesterday, my trusty zebra finch died. As I came home from school, I walked to his cage, and begin to tell him about my day. As I spoke to him, I felt a tear running down my cheek, as if there had happened something tragic. I stare at him for 4 minutes, before I walk to my room. My parents went...
  4. Zudox

    Connotations Game.

    Murder Mystery
  5. Zudox

    Thank you !!

    Thank you !!
  6. Zudox

    [Suggestion] New Minigame

    That's actually a really cool idea, and I'd say it should be added!
  7. Zudox


    Thank you Tyler and Ally_saurusrex, and I'll try :P
  8. Zudox


    Hello everybody! Just wanted to share with you all, that today is my birthday! I mostly play on Parkour and Creative, so you might know me as TheFlash, or 5000000PING. Well. I guess that's it. So happy 15 birthday me!!!
  9. Zudox

    Connotations Game.

  10. Zudox

    Applied for staff! Wish me luck :D

    Applied for staff! Wish me luck :D
  11. Zudox

    Connotations Game.

  12. Zudox

    Connotations Game.

  13. Zudox

    Connotations Game.

    Social media
  14. Zudox

    Connotations Game.

  15. Zudox

    Connotations Game.

    Pot O' Gold