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  1. K

    Rejected The Banner Museum PK (Easy)

    That warp doesn't exist...
  2. K

    Accepted Time Is Slowing Down Parkour

    I'm sorry but the invisible blocks (like other maps) make the whole map just annoying even if the build is good. Maybe remove them if you can and do the air command like Nixi said.
  3. K

    Accepted The Stanley Parkourable.

    The only part I don't like is the section where you have three doors and you choose the hard iron bar and fence parkour on the right, mainly because it is a troll and leads you back to the room. Maybe remove the barrier blocks when you complete that room so you can actually get to the other...
  4. K

    Rejected Wet Hay PK [Medium/Hard] by Wafflethecat

    Actually Angel, if you gave it more than one try, you would see this jump is possible. The same jump can be found on the Derpy Cow map on Hard.
  5. K

    Accepted Ninja Warrior PK!

    Thank you for accepting :D
  6. K

    Accepted Pumpkin Pie Parkour! /warp PumpkinPieParkour

    If the word "Pie" was not there, I wouldn't be able to tell that you tried to make a pie.... Sorry, just looks like you put minimal effort into this map.
  7. K

    Rejected Maze Pk

    I don't see how this is a medium map. The hardest jump is a 3 block jump and I beat the course in under a minute. Just make it easy
  8. K

    Accepted Ninja Warrior PK!

    Hey, its Keekapoo, and I have made a new map based on the T.V. show, Ninja Warrior. Basically, it is a giant obstacle course filled with different types of parkour that you must complete to become a Ninja Warrior Champion! Warp: /warp Ninjapk Difficulty: Medium Jumps: 75-85 Checkpoints: 5...
  9. K

    Accepted Snake Parkour [Donator Insane]

    This is probably one of the bast maps ive ever played GG its great!
  10. K

    Rejected Enchantment Table PK

    why would you tell us where the easter egg is, its not really an easter egg anymore... lmao
  11. K

    Rejected [Easy/Medium]Excalibur Parkour

    I don't see this being easy, or medium, or hard map, I see this being on the impossible difficulty. After-all, there is an impossible ladder head-hitting jump in the beginning. Also, 99 jumps is far too many jumps for an easy. I like the build, just change the pk a bit!
  12. K

    Rejected Boo PK

    My thoughts... 1. I beat the course in under 25 seconds 2. Its an easy course, but the 2nd jump is harder than a quad, yet the rest of the jumps are insanely easy Maybe add more jumps, and change up that quad in the beginning
  13. K

    Rejected Buissness Man Hard Donator Parkour Map

    I like the concept, i just feel like you could put some more effort into the 2nd and 3rd floors. They seem a bit empty.
  14. K


  15. K

    Rejected New Fall Parkour Map!

    Hey everyone! I have just made a new seasoned themed parkour map! Involving ladder jumps underneath the surface, along with standard jumps, fence jumps, and leaf colored glass pane jumps! I hope you all enjoy it! Made by: Keekapoo Difficulty: Hard 67 Jumps 4 Checkpoints /warp FallPK