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  1. DeathByAPotato

    Parkour 2.0 + Important Poll

    I would be fine with everything resetting, except stats like, don't make us go back to noob or whatever :3 But will gems be reset? And score? Oh gosh maybe I shouldn't have cast in my vote with reset everything... WAIT DON'T RESET BANNERS NO NO NO NO RESET BANNER D: I guess resetting gems and...
  2. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Missile Parkour

    This is like, the hardest insane ever. You made an extremely insane map into a really small course. The outside could use a little work though. Overall, this map made me shit myself. Good job. <3
  3. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Treehouse Parkour - Hard

    The tree theme is somewhat overused HOWEVER I feel like this should be an exception because it looks like it took a lot of effort and work to make and it looks very good from what I can see. Best of luck on getting the map accepted! :D
  4. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Parkour Course: Warming Up

    There's not much of a theme to it, it sort of just looks like a bunch of random jumps...
  5. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Lit Candle | Expert Course Submission

    I went to /plot h General_hamster and couldn't find the giant red arrow. Also, maybe put in some screenshots if you can? From what I can tell from Shinxray's screenshot, it looks pretty good. Colorful :D Anyways, best of luck on getting your map accepted! :3
  6. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Nuclear bomb parkour map

    It looks really small from the screenshots, but when I went to the plot itself, it looked a bit bigger. I would definitely rate it Expert. The jumps are pretty hard and it's fun to do. You had a variety of unique jumps, and the course itself wasn't too confusing. The course was well made and I...
  7. DeathByAPotato

    Accepted Moray Tower / Expert parkour

    Wow this looks like it took a lot of time an effort. It looks amazing. This has to be accepted! Keep up the good work :D
  8. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Biomes 2 - Insane

    Looks nice! If this gets accepted, there should be like a bunch of Biome parkour courses like Biomes 3, Biomes 4, Biomes 5, etc... ok maybe not that much biomes is hard af...
  9. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Planet Express

    Couch you make the most creative maps ever and this one is no exception. Hope it gets accepted! :D
  10. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Whomping Willow Parkour

    Thanks Tareok :D
  11. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Whomping Willow Parkour

    Fun map to make with you guys! :)
  12. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected My parkour submission

    I think it looks really amazing. Very colorful. I like it. I really hope this gets accepted as it looks very beautiful :3
  13. DeathByAPotato

    Accepted Hamilton PK

    I love it so much. I am a Hamilton nerd so when I saw Hamilton as a parkour course I immediately clicked. :O
  14. DeathByAPotato

    Accepted Disney Parkour !11!!1!

    Oh I love this map it's really cute :3
  15. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Emoji Parkour - KiKi_Vanilla & Dr_Milkshake

    It's very original, and I like the texts a lot :o
  16. DeathByAPotato

    Rejected Dinosaur Skeleton Parkour - Easy Course

    It's good and all, but definitely too short...
  17. DeathByAPotato

    Parkour Suggestions / What needs to be added to Parkour

    Did I see the words parkour log full release? YES PLEASE OML I NEED THIS!!!!