Search results

  1. Chicken

    Accepted Intersection- easy

    Name: Intersection Difficulty: Easy Creators: Raptide, SoccerChicken50 Plot: /plot v soccerchicken50 7 Jumps: 36 Checkpoints: 4
  2. Chicken

    Best expert map to farm and insane?

    Personally, shattered world and ocean waves are good experts and ancient or iss are good for insanes.
  3. Chicken

    [ELITE] Rank Giveaway!

    Ofc lol xD
  4. Chicken

    Rejected SSBMewtwo - Insane

    Ik I am
  5. Chicken

    Rejected SSBMewtwo - Insane

  6. Chicken

    Rejected SSBMewtwo - Insane

    Very excited to see the verdict.
  7. Chicken

    6 cubit giveaway! [closed]

    IGN: SoccerChicken50 Disc: SoccerChicken50#8909 Favorite place: with you. Jk. The toilet
  8. Chicken

    i need help

    Jump into that little cavity in front. You can then time it perfectly where you don’t hit your head on the block above when jumping to the water.
  9. Chicken

    Accepted Olaf- A hard map

    Yoooo Audrey. Glad u like it my dude xD
  10. Chicken

    Accepted Olaf- A hard map

    Idk tho lol
  11. Chicken

    Accepted Olaf- A hard map

    Des said he stopped playing mana... as in quit. Probs just read it wrong.
  12. Chicken

    Accepted Olaf- A hard map

    Ty! Glad u like it. On a separate note, thought I stopped playing mana lol?
  13. Chicken

    What is your fav cheese?

    Camembert and brie all the way baby
  14. Chicken

    Map Submission

    Hi, every map accepted gives credit to both people... as long as the work is done and split evenly. Map submissions usually depend on times but can take any where from a couple of days to a week or so... all depends on how busy chat is. Hope this helps. Chicken
  15. Chicken

    Rejected Mapsubmission (Easy) - "Abandoned" by PexonYT

    Hi, you seem to have posted this in the wrong place! Make sure to post it in the map submissions. Here's the link: Best of wishes, Chicken
  16. Chicken

    Floating Blocks

    You can use world edit, to start with, do //wand. Then place a block down. On this block, place a ladder, vine or flowerpot. Left and right click the block and do either //cut or //set 0. For a lily pad, place down a water source and put down a lily pad on it. Left and right click the lily pad...
  17. Chicken

    Accepted Olaf- A hard map

    Name: Olaf Difficulty: Hard Creators: Rickoinboots, Prisioner, Raptide, SoccerChicken50 Plot: /plot v SoccerChicken50 6 Jumps: 63 Checkpoints: 5 All and any feedback is welcomed!
  18. Chicken

    When do you think the next champs maps will be like

    I’ve just gone through and counted 3 but that means it’s most likely 4 with my awful counting skills lol.
  19. Chicken

    Question of the Week #16(?)

    An archeologist because dinosaurs are epic. (And I was obsessed with those toys where u had to dig up bones)
  20. Chicken

    When do you think the next champs maps will be like

    You can actually see that people have submitted champ maps in the map submissions- there’s 3 in total and you’re able to visit them!