Search results

  1. Juandacun

    Accepted Barbarian : Insane

    Found a skip sir, talk to me when you can.
  2. Juandacun

    Earth Release

    Hm sick
  3. Juandacun

    5 Cubits Giveaway!

    Yknow im always in IGN: BobasGaming Becasue yes, bobas on top I enjoy the server because its cool community but being muted blows.
  4. Juandacun

    Accepted BeastMan (3.0) Sexspert Diff

    Glad i saw every single thing from this masterpiece.. Everything, i saw, yes, thing every.
  5. Juandacun

    Accepted Stadium - Hard

    Im not there :L dissapointing
  6. Juandacun

    Accepted Caño Cristales- Medium

    "*Insert cool colombian slang here*" Map name: Caño Cristales Creators: BoobGaming, Uduntreall and ya boy caseyclosed /plot v BoobGaming 16 Jumps: 35, 5 checkpoints Difficulty: Medium
  7. Juandacun

    8 Cubits Giveaway

    BoobGaming Parkour and Skyblock Because yknow, being muted is a pain, and i need to get elite in parkour as well
  8. Juandacun

    Accepted Pyramid Head-Expert

    "The fear of the blood tends to create fear for the flesh." Map Name: Pyramid Head Creators: BoobGaming, JM4s, BDOsborne and Berry_Blue145 /plot v Juandacun 11 Jumps: ~90 jumps, 10 checkpoints Difficulty: Expert
  9. Juandacun

    Accepted Hammond-Medium

    .... .. --..-- / .. -- / .- / .-. .- - --..-- / --. . - / --- .-- -. . -.. *rat noises* Creator: Juan aka BoobGaming /plot v BoobGaming Jumps: ~44, 6 checkpoints Difficulty: Medium PD: This map is a resubmission from the race competition made not so long ago, i made pretty small changes to...
  10. Juandacun

    Survival Season 7

    Sick! Cant wait even tough i dont play survival hehe
  11. Juandacun

    Accepted Demogorgon-Insane

    “If we are both going crazy, then we will go crazy together.” Creators: Juan, more like BoobGaming (main idea, builder and parkour maker), Jsmes (parkour maker and main idea) and Xniper03 (parkour maker) Map name: Demogorgon /plot v Jsmes 4 Difficulty: Insane Jumps: ~120, 13 checkpoints
  12. Juandacun

    Finished Parkour Race Map Building Competition

    Best racing map ever! Fun experience, tryhard encouraging and manacube friendly! +1 @BinLickerLover
  13. Juandacun

    Finished Parkour Race Map Building Competition

    And me, Juandacun, now following the name of BoobGaming, im glad to announce my participation for this. Creator: Juan (also by the ingame name of BoobGaming) Map name: Hammond (The last one is the testers room btw) /plot v Juandacun Jumps: ~44, 6 checkpoints Difficulty: Medium PD: I...
  14. Juandacun

    //deform rotate permissions

    So i met with an issue today when building a new map for Parkourse, i noticed i made some parts smaller than they should, and then i searched up if theres a way to scale buildings with worldedit. I saw a video that explained the command //deform rotate was the solution for that. For example, if...
  15. Juandacun

    Accepted Mikasa-Expert

    oh oops i forgot to add that hehe
  16. Juandacun

    Accepted Mikasa-Expert

    Woah! 2 Juandacun maps in 1 day!!? Creators: Juandacun (main idea, builder) Pink_Bovine (parkour maker, interior builder) and Berry_Blue145 (main idea, builder) Map name: Mikasa /plot v Juandacun 4 Difficulty: Expert Jumps: 71, 14 checkpoints