Search results

  1. Juandacun

    Accepted GeoSlime-Hard

    Beware! A new Juandacun map! Creators: Juandacun (main idea, builder and parkour maker), AgusCarta (parkour maker) and Ne0z_ (parkour builder and skip patcher) Map Name: GeoSlime (from the Genshin Impact Game) /plot v Juandacun 9 Difficulty: Hard Jumps: 60, 7 Checkpoints
  2. Juandacun

    Announcing a little break!

    Deserved break! You are really nice to the community on your own way so taking a little break once in a while is ok
  3. Juandacun

    Count to 1000 Before a Admin posts

  4. Juandacun


    How unlucky i am that the challenge mode rewards are broken as soon as i did t he map...
  5. Juandacun


    I had a bad time with this map but i ended up liking it as a challenge, i nominate @Uduntreal to do Thunderjaw, because he left me alone doing it yesterday :c
  6. Juandacun

    Rejected The Tree - medium

    Hey! I will give some opinions about this map as i could found some issues regarding the building and the parkour. First of all, the theme isnt really recommended to be used as a map, as this theme is overused or alot of maps with related stuff already exist. If you want to get a great theme...
  7. Juandacun

    Rejected RainbowSunflower-Medium

    Creators: Juandacun (main idea, map builder) and Uduntreal (parkour builder) Map name: RainbowSunflower /plot v Juandacun 1 Difficulty: Medium Jumps: 50, 5 Checkpoints
  8. Juandacun


  9. Juandacun

    Map name Tree parkour course difficulty medium

    Hi! i will give you some tips for your next maps, as this one, is lacking some essential stuff when creating a new masterpiece. First of all, the building looks pretty sick, for someone's 1st creation it looks pretty decent, but as @Uduntreal said, arent map judges favourites, If you want to...
  10. Juandacun

    Chat suggestion: Make noob ranks (Or maybe a bit higher) unable to use chat

    I honestly dont feel it should be meassured OR unlocked the privilege of chatting by the game rank, as you all may know, rank doesnt matter. In my case ive seen people get to SKILLED rank without even having a single point of score, and which i also noticed, was simply a person BEGGING for...
  11. Juandacun


    Yes but was it in challenge tho >:)
  12. Juandacun

    New map!!!

    I will say some things. First of all, i REALLY love the detail on making a video on your own creation, but try resubmitting it in the MAP SUBMISSIONS instead of the main parkour forum wall. Now, in building aspects, its really cool! but the theme could be not as original as judges and players...
  13. Juandacun


    yeahyeah all games and fun but, what about @A Pink Cow to do howls ,your own masterpiece in challenge? c:
  14. Juandacun

    REMOVE SPAWNPK 4x2-1s!

    I agree with creeper, the jumper title is already easy enough, just challenging in the time spent for it, so applying more effort or being careful to not fall will make thetime worth it
  15. Juandacun

    Accepted SmartFella - Insane

    Quite a smart fella, ngl.
  16. Juandacun

    Accepted Yokai-Hard

    Creators: Berry_Blue145 (plot owner, main builder), Juandacun (main idea, parkour builder and builder) and trashthetic (parkour builder) Map Name: Yokai /plot v Berry_Blue145 7 Difficulty: Hard Jumps: 72, 7 Checkpoints
  17. Juandacun

    Rejected Rivals of Aether -Medium v2

    I really like the theme but i think the main building in the middle could have more details
  18. Juandacun


    This sounds fun :o
  19. Juandacun

    Rejected 3D Printer Resubmission (EXPERT)

    I like the parkour, the look in the screen is kind of sketchy but you improved from the last time to be honest!
  20. Juandacun

    Rejected Squid - Easy

    Just saying, theres already a map with this theme