Search results

  1. MarvelFamily

    Parkour treasure hunt?

    Since becoming a Mapper I've been thinking about the fact that the only consistent event on the server is parkour and seek, So I've been thinking about my own event why not a treasure hunt? I'd want to basically want to make a treasure hunt on official maps (I would need permission though...
  2. MarvelFamily

    Ask the person below a question!

    Too many How to git gud at videogames?
  3. MarvelFamily

    Make a sentence with 6 words

    Silver hats in red tanks suck here is a hard one: HORROR
  4. MarvelFamily

    Last Post Wins!

    I feel like I won
  5. MarvelFamily

    Make a sentence with 6 words

    Hippos under random tents like elephants BOTTLE
  6. MarvelFamily

    Ask the person below a question!

    Because it is fun Why can't We live on Mars?
  7. MarvelFamily

    Last Post Wins!

    Just saying hi
  8. MarvelFamily

    Rejected Shinxray - Easy

    So this is the map I have heard so much about...
  9. MarvelFamily

    Joined Forums after 500 Hours

    Welcome to the forums! now you can submit maps (literally that's all I did for months after I joined the forums.)
  10. MarvelFamily

    Best Builds on ManaCube

    Demagorgon is cool
  11. MarvelFamily

    Rejected Bowsers Castle - Hard

    Um, You might want to rename the map as Blurpyfied is trying to get a map titled bowsers castle accepted right now (luckily the actual themes are different)
  12. MarvelFamily

    this server is not good lol

    Add some new radio tracks in crates (like theme songs and stuff). I mean I'd buy more crate if that were the case.
  13. MarvelFamily

    Rejected StarWarsParkour

    Elijah, I am gonna warn the judges will probably reject this map fixes might have to be for a resubmission.
  14. MarvelFamily

    Easy map: Pizza man

    I decided to replay the map and it wasn't that hard this time around but Master rank so that might be a factor in difficulty