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  1. Dnho

    Someone told me to post this here, so Things Elites Should Get on Creative

    Now as Dacon has said previously, this will be the final package, so I believe it would be reasonable for it to have all commands except moderating ones. These include: /tp /plot visit (to unclaimed plots) /chatcolor (all colors) /disguise (all mobs) /evanish Along with this, we seemingly get...
  2. Dnho

    New Build! /2 v donutholed 16

    Sildur's Vibrant
  3. Dnho

    Some of the things Elite needs on Creative

    Unfortunately it seems it's gotten to the point where I can't tell what I've gained from the Elite package in Creative. Now as Dacon has said previously, this will be the final package, so I believe it would be reasonable for it to have all commands except moderating ones. These include: /tp...
  4. Dnho

    New Build! /2 v donutholed 16

  5. Dnho


    I know this forum has already been replied to, but I wanna add some things of my own. First off, if w/e did exist people could easily exploit it. The most practical way of it being implemented is it being only on your party and you getting/losing the blocks. The problem is that now you could...
  6. Dnho

    Lost all my stuff in new season

    The new season was a reset for survival, so it makes sense you would have lost your stuff. I believe it's so players who've already done it all can start anew.
  7. Dnho

    Scramblers on Creative

    again, sorry for replying late to posts, but I'd like to know what you want the leader-board for? If you really want to know, I can tell you some of the mods like IIChristianII have plenty, but it mostly comes down to who plays the most often, because it's more about being there to get it when...
  8. Dnho

    Which is worse/better, Interior or terrain?

    I know people have already replied to this so I'm not really helping you, but grade-wise it really depends on the ratio of structure to land. If you have a lot of building, it's better to have interior, but if you have a lot of land and not much building, you'd be much better off detailing the...
  9. Dnho

    More thematic inclusion in grading

    So for the past couple of weeks, I've been heavily basing my plots off of rps, so I've been having much more nature involved in my plots. That being said, I think that grading should change some. Most plots will have a balance of the two, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees theming as a...
  10. Dnho


    Hi Mat! I'm sure the mods had an adequate reason for removing it, and my head-canon is that it's due to lag. I'm sure there's a better reason. Also sorry for replying to such an old post..
  11. Dnho

    I didn't get plots from ELITE

    I purchased 4 plots with Mana prior to purchasing elite, but still had the same number of mega plots and normal plots as before.