Search results

  1. Dubinzi

    Quiting Minevast?

    Having gone through a stage of depression at the death of one of my loved ones, I know exactly how it feels to lose someone you care about. But, the thing is, staying depressed doesn't help you. There's no benefit from doing nothing. The best you can do is something. It doesn't have to be for...
  2. Dubinzi

    Accepted Pingu Parkour

  3. Dubinzi

    Rejected Laptop Parkour

    Please put this in the correct format xD It's kinda hard to understand
  4. Dubinzi

    When will the new parkour maps be added?

    Originally, the new Parkour maps were going to be added on Saturday, June 25th, but that obviously didn't happen. It is now Friday, July 1st, and there still are no new maps. I understand that most effort is going into Barebones pvp right now, but it would be nice if someone were to put some...
  5. Dubinzi

    Accepted Miney Golf - Easy Parkour Submission

    Names: DubTheDev and Aerophic Difficulty: Easy Location: DubTheDev's 9th plot (/plot visit DubTheDev 9) Jumps: 47 This map should be Easy because all of the jumps are easy. Although 47 jumps would be Medium, in reality, this map has the difficulty of an easy course. Screenshots:
  6. Dubinzi

    Rejected Wolf Parkour

    I really like the map, and I want it to be accepted, but we already have a wolf themed parkour. Nevertheless, good luck to you, -Dub
  7. Dubinzi

    Rejected Fence Parkour

    The amount and difficulty of the jumps are perfect for medium difficulty, and it totally fits the theme. Great job! I hope it gets added. Best of luck, -Dub
  8. Dubinzi

    Accepted Shattered World (Insane) (206 Jumps)

    Thanks for all of the positive support! -Dub
  9. Dubinzi

    Accepted Shattered World (Insane) (206 Jumps)

    Name: DubTheDev Location: /plot visit DubTheDev 3 Difficulty: Insane Number Of Jumps: 206! Number Of Checkpoints: 10 Finally! It's all over! After spending over 12 hours building this monstrosity, I'm very pleased with the results. This course is over 150 blocks tall and includes areas that I...
  10. Dubinzi

    Rejected 2D

    Since this has 60 Jumps it would be put into the hard category. Aside from that, the parkour looks vary nice and I would love to see it added :D -Dub
  11. Dubinzi

    Accepted Map Submission - Cauldron Parkour (Easy)

    Name: DubTheDev Location: /plot visit DubTheDev 2 OR /warp ParkourFactory Difficulty: Easy Number Of Jumps: About 31 Screenshots:
  12. Dubinzi

    Accepted Polar Bear Parkour

    Your polar bear is PERFECT! Great job with the map, I hope it gets accepted Best of luck, -Dub
  13. Dubinzi

    Finish the sentence before staff posts!

    is cheesey
  14. Dubinzi

    Play Random Map - Parkour Suggestion

    I don't know about you, but I always have trouble picking a parkour map to play. The "Random map" option would teleport you to a random parkour (That you are permitted to play). This would not include the drop or time trials. In the "select course" menu, there would be a compass named "Random...
  15. Dubinzi

    Rejected "Beat" it - Parkour Map

    I'm amazed right now. This is the most support I have ever seen on a submission. *Mind blown*
  16. Dubinzi

    Rejected "Beat" it - Parkour Map

    The jukebox looks great, and the notes look even better. I'm hoping for it to get accepted. Best of luck, -Dub
  17. Dubinzi

    Accepted Treehouse Parkour

    First of all, this map looks absolutely fantastic. It's very fun to play, in my opinion. The one problem I have is that at the section where the players jump on the leaves (with the head-hitters), it's a bit hard to make out where you're supposed to go. Other than that, it's a great map! I hope...
  18. Dubinzi

    Accepted Parkour Submission - Gold Rush

    Name - DubTheDev Location - /plot visit DubTheDev 2 (To the left) Difficulty - Easy Number Of Jumps - About 38 Screenshots:
  19. Dubinzi

    Accepted Colorblind - Map Submission

    Name - DubTheDev Location - /plot visit DubTheDev 2 Difficulty - Hard Number Of Jumps - About 65 Screenshots:
  20. Dubinzi

    Rejected Ultimate Cliffhanger

    I have created pathways of stained clay to each individual course. I hope this helps :P