Search results

  1. Dubinzi

    Rejected Forest Adventure

    I just tried it out... /plot visit DubTheDev 2 works for me... When you go to plot #2 it's to your right
  2. Dubinzi

    Rejected Candyland PK

    We already have multiple Candy Land courses, so I think it should be rejected
  3. Dubinzi

    Rejected Ultimate Cliffhanger

    Ultimate Cliffhanger Difficulty: Medium Length: 62 Jumps Creator: DubTheDev Checkpoints: To be determined by Map Judges Location: DubTheDev's SECOND plot (again) Everyone likes a good cliffhanger, right? In this new parkour by DubTheDev, you get to jump to glory and conquer the cliff! And...
  4. Dubinzi

    Accepted Snake Temple

    SNAKE TEMPLE Difficulty: Hard Length: 70 Jumps Location: DubTheDev's SECOND plot Checkpoints: Determined by map judges, one is already at the beginning Creator: DubTheDev This course tests your observational skills by forcing you to find where you can go. There are about 5 quad jumps in the map...
  5. Dubinzi

    Rejected Parkour Submission

    I checked the parkour out and it looks cool! I just think instead of the random blocks you should stick to melons, but that's my opinion. I really like the look of the giant melon (and it has a storyline so that's cool)
  6. Dubinzi

    Rejected Forest Adventure

    FOREST ADVENTURE Difficulty: Medium Length: 54 Jumps Location: DubTheDev's Second plot Builder: DubTheDev This course has a moderate amount of quad jumps, has 3 spots designated for checkpoints, and does not meow