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  1. PifcoGrizzly

    Problems with Ad player

    Hello everyone, I am making this post because after I reset my PC a matter of 3 or so days ago I have been having some serious issues with the ad player. When I go to the page I get a black player and I have tried using a VPN, disabling and completely removing AdBlock from chrome and tried using...
  2. PifcoGrizzly

    Is the cactus growth in farms unusually slow?

    Hey everyone, so this is my first post on the forums and i have been a member of the ManaCube servers for only a few days now, and i have managed to build myself up a fairly large cactus farm. And for some reason the farm seems to be producing cactus at a very low rate, even if i make sure to be...
  3. PifcoGrizzly

    Warn system

    i have being playing MV for about a month, and i still cant seem to understand how the warning system works, can someone give me some insight?