Search results

  1. xenobite

    Rejected map submission: Zuckerjumps - insane

    Looking at the picture thats not entirely true since there seem to be multiple triple neo variations at the orange part (Which without checkpoints is way too hard for insane maps). Looking at recent maps in /warp beta is a great tip tho! Please don't add random blocks for the sake of having...
  2. xenobite

    What are your experiences with spawn parkour?

    Frustration, because last time I tried I fell at 957 ._. A small tip for people that struggle: Force momentum on the longer jumps
  3. xenobite

    200-1000 CUBIT GIVEAWAY!

    xenobite jonask#6937 I'll take some free coobits
  4. xenobite

    Accepted Rock Concert - Medium

    xenobite, BASSBOAT, Massivegeed, BluePottwal RockConcert /plot v xenobite 6 Medium 42 Jumps
  5. xenobite

    Accepted [RESUBMISSION] Big Bugs - Hard

    I agree, this looks pretty sick now! Parkour was fun and fits the difficulty as far as I can tell
  6. xenobite

    Accepted Neo - hard

    xenobite Neo /plot v xenobite 9 Hard 55 Jumps So yea I really like neos thats why this map is just a big neo :) Hope you like it !!11! jk it's from the matrix
  7. xenobite

    10 Cubits Giveaway!

    IGN: xenobite discord: jonask#6937
  8. xenobite

    Fix Daily Challenges (Parkourse)

    Hello, I think maps that got selected as daily challenge should receive a cooldown of 2 weeks so they don't get picked two times in a row. Also when you complete a challenge in challenge mode it apparently doesn't count and only gives single reward. (might be because challenge mode is broken tho)
  9. xenobite

    Closed Mountain

    Can you like not spam all these useless threads?
  10. xenobite

    Rejected Moonlight parkour map

    I agree with acid, except for e-tables and brewing stands. Most of the time they just look out of place and have no actual use. Some blocks to consider using: Heads in various positions, glasspanes, pistons, walls and any combination of those.
  11. xenobite

    Is there any way to save/archive courses?

    I don't know how to do that, but you can claim up to three plots and also have multiple maps on the same plot (if all you need is space for new maps).
  12. xenobite

    I have a problem :)

    You can't buy rookie if you're already rookie. Also stop necrobumping this thread
  13. xenobite

    Last Post Wins!

    How did I not win with this tactic:(
  14. xenobite

    Last Post Wins!

    Person below is stinky
  15. xenobite

    Rejected Xbox (insane map)

    Hello, I already told you ingame, but I'm gonna summarize it again for the forums: I don't think this map is very good. The build looks really bland and boring, eventhough some new Xbox apearently looks like this. I'd rather model this after a Xbox 360 or Xbox 1: They are much easier to...
  16. xenobite

    What is the hardest map on manacube (parkour)

    Gamers made a list about this, you might wanna check it out: Top 10 Hardest Insane Maps
  17. xenobite

    Rejected Parkour Submission; Difficulty: Hard

    Judges will see this, but it's gonna take a week or two to be judged. This thread might help you: Map Submission Info
  18. xenobite

    Rejected Block Glitch Parkour Map

    Just so you know, there are around 30 maps to be judged before yours and judges are just humans who do this in their free time.
  19. xenobite


    If you tried to do challenge mode, it's disable atm. Otherwise that would be super weird.
  20. xenobite

    50 000 Mana Giveaway (ENTERING CLOSED!!!)

    xenobite I want to get bold so I need to hoard mana and cubits (: Thanks for hosting a giveway and beeing a nice person gamers!