Hello all! This is a suggestion for the Creative server for the month of December. When people think of the holidays in December, they think of giving more often than not. So my suggestion is a "/gift" command! The basic just of the command is this: Person A holds an item in their hand. Then they do "/gift Person B" (The command itself is "/gift <person>"). Then Person B obtains the item that Person A had before. This is a perfect way to spread holiday cheer! Also, in order to stop those meanies who will spam the command over and over, the amount of gifts someone can give will depend upon their rank. "Member" get to do it once, "Member+, Premium, and D-rank" twice, "VIP and C-rank" thrice, and so on and so forth. So (this is directed towards the staff members reading this), with all command block and lag complications aside, does this sound like a good idea to do? Please keep in mind, this command will only be in use for the month of December. Also, worthy of mention, players will probably only be able to gift 1 item, not an entire stack, but I'm not sure, it's up to the staff. Please leave a vote down below! Also, be nice in the comment section. It's December, a time of joy! Thanx you to all!
P.S. Remember, you can choose UP TO 2 CHOICES, NOT JUST 1.
P.S. Remember, you can choose UP TO 2 CHOICES, NOT JUST 1.
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