I was banned today while being afk on an island (/Is warp Halokiller990) waiting for monsters to spawn i was banned today 15-10-2019 between 00:50-01:00 CEST. But it says that i was banned 14-10-2019 at 18:43?? By the staff "AlfieJay". Ban expires: "Never". It's just kinda annoying when i've been playing alot these past days and i then get perm banned for doing nothing on another persons island waiting for mobs to spawn. The reason for the ban he said "Bot https://prnt.sc/pjajq3" but the link doesn't show me being a bot, my ingame name is Andersano, and the only thing in that screenshot linking to my account is that the bot also send me a discord link. It's really annoying having admins like that running around banning every person that are linked to the crime. Please check the evidence next time before banning. The screenshot says specifically "(Micelikyle0220 -> Andersano) Join..." Which means that i'm not the one sending the message. I'm the reciever in this text