Hoi Noah, Bunstop and Cieraa,
Happy to tell you that your map have been accepted as a HARD!
The theme is pretty original and interesting. The build is average, it's a bit plain and the parkour makes the map a bit messy, but I think it's fine. (Just, we are not here to criticize because a map is not perfect, if there is 2/3 little mistakes, we are not gonna reject it for this. Don't forget that the parkour is more important than the build and the theme. If this map is rejected because the build is not perfect, I think half of recent accepted map need to be rejected too.) The parkour is decent, it's varied and not too much repetitive. I've just changed some jumps, and removed the slime at the end so it fit more the Hard difficulty and less messy.
Thanks for submitting your map, would be really good to see more maps from you !