Rejected Fantasy - Insane

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Jul 15, 2020
Hewwo! This took me a long time to build and i tried really really hard, pls accept. <3

Username: Triangled03
Name: Dungeon Test
Plot: /plot v Triangled03
Difficulty: Hard
Jumps: 120

Edit 1:

I added some more types of jumps, such as brewing stands, ice, cobwebs, cocoa beans, and enchantment tables. I changed the floating island thing because it was overused,
I made it go down to a very low point, like a building cause idk if there is any way to make it look less like a floating island. I also changed the name from "Dungeon Test" to "Fantasy" because the name is original and there seems to be already a map called dungeon.

Last edited:


Forum Expert
May 17, 2020
172 1
Hi! I’ve not been on the map to test it but I thought I might say a few things from what I can see if that’s okay. This is just my opinion and has no way of affecting the final decision of your map.
Theme~ Whilst the overall build is original, the theme is not as there is already a map called Dungeon. This unfortunately lowers the chance of it being accepted but the judge map think differently. For future reference, this is a document with every map made on it:
Build~ I can really tell how much time and effort you have put into the build. I especially like the block mixture of the base of the island. Per contra to this, the floating island build is now rarely accepted due to it being a very over used theme. Whilst I personally love the idea of floating islands, I also understand why they are no longer accepted.
Parkour~ As I have mentioned, I have not been in game to check out this map. To start with the information given, 120 jumps is way too high for a hard map as a hard map should only have 65-85 jumps. You can find this information here:

To build on this, looking at the pictures, the parkour does seem a little unvaried. This does usually make the parkour a bit less enjoyable. May I recommend adding block such as brewing stands, enchantment tables or even more obscure things such as cocoa beans or piston heads. This will add a greater level of fun and enjoyment to the map. Think out side the box for new jumps!
As for what I’ve said, please remember this is only my opinion and has no affect in the verdict. Good luck on the decision and I hope to see you posting here again! Best of wishes, Chicken


Forum God
Jan 2, 2018
1,319 25
Hello Triangled03,

I regret to inform you that your map is being rejected.
The theme is unoriginal, as we do already have a map with this theme (Dungeon.) This is executed differently, however.
The build is decently accurate to what you were going for, and I can tell that you put a lot of effort into this! However, as mentioned above, floating island maps are typically no longer accepted because they have been overdone in the past.
The parkour is
floating throughout quite a bit of the map (meaning it isn't attached to the main build) which makes it look messy. The parkour is varied a bit throughout, and incorporated with the theme quite nicely! 120 jumps is quite lengthy for a hard map; try to aim for 60-80 jumps. The difficulty of the jumps do fit the hard difficulty nicely!

Thank you for submitting this map, I would love to see more submissions from you!
Have a nice day,
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