G.I.F.D. Mindset


Active Member
May 17, 2019
Also, please note that a staff members presence in game does not represent all they do as staff.
I'd like to argue against this specifically and just this and say that it does matter if staff are active in the game mode they play to be staff. If staff aren't playing the game mode they staff for it basically feels like to the player base that they don't know what we are experiencing and dealing with in game since they don't play as players. It feels like a different perspective from the player base when they play the game and the staff that represent the people they staff for. I understand real life stuff happens and that you guys volunteer and to this I would suggest adding a "on break" tag in discord or on forums or removing their staff tags for the period of time they are on break for so that the player base could know that certain staff aren't around or won't be for a period of time. It's frustrating when we don't see staff on for over 2 months (this isn't an exaggeration btw) on the server they mained and became staff on first and we have no clue what's happened with them. I also appreciate what you and Ashley have said however by acknowledging that there are issues and bugs that weren't addressed like the AH being disabled.

Edit: If you are arguing that it doesn't matter that staff play in game or not then this is my point against it. If you are saying something else not related to my argument then I may have misread but this is how it seemed to be portrayed to me.
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Forum Expert
Sep 3, 2019
485 23
I'm not saying that it doesn't matter if staff play their respective game mode at all, that would be straight up lying to you. Ofcourse it matters! I just said that because sometimes people tend to forget that and like to say that we do absolutely nothing. There's a lot more to staffing than in game presence. Also, this is not me arguing about it mattering or not but staff have multiple ways of knowing how it is for a player. Having good connections with people in the player base is really important since they'll hear what it's like too. Some game modes are really hard for staff to keep playing on, like factions, because of our extra perms and stuff like that. I'd also personally say that actually playing the game is pretty hard because we tend to be distracted from actually playing like you guys. When I'm online I'm mostly looking into stuff. If I'm not and actually playing, it won't be long before I get a dm with a question or report in game or on discord, which makes it hard to reach the level of dedication to the game itself like some of you guys without completely ignoring those players. I do play Olympus and I do have experiences as a player, it's just quite impossible to get on the same level as playing as you guys sometimes and I feel like some people can forget that. Not saying that you do btw!

I completely understand that not seeing a staff member for more than two months is frustrating and I'm sure there's a reason for it. I would personally not like removing staff tags or anything like that because I feel like it would discourage communication between player and staff. I know a lot of staff who are on a break tend to still be active on discord to some degree. Or rather... If I'm on a break, I'd still take reports from players in my dms because I don't want players to feel completely ignored by me. Auction house being disabled isn't really a bug or issue on its own but it's caused by another bug. It's disabled to prevent something from happening while they're trying to fix the main issue.

I completely get your point, but it was never my intention to say that staff shouldn't play. I hope my response cleared that up a bit :D


Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,934 46
Thank you for all the replies.
I appreciate that you seem to understand the cause of this thread.
I would just like to ask each and every one of us, players and staff, to show your concern with actions.
As I said in the original message, I understand people have things to do and get busy, or get tired of the game. But I wanted to show us ways that we can work through that.

To the players: I sympathize with the frustration from the game right now. I am working towards getting into the habit of directly communicating with staff about an issue, rather than hoping they see it. We can all participate help each other out. Whether it be by sharing and collaborating on ideas and suggestions, helping another person contact staff, or whatever. We are a team.

To the staff: I don't mean this in a rude way, but I do not care why you might be missing reports, but I do care that you realize the problems with activity and communication, and are working to better them. Some of you have already shown this action, but I hope you continue to
improve, and I hope you share this message and concern with the rest of your teammates and colleagues. You can see the amount of players that support and agree with this, which should help you understand the urgency of fixing these issues.

I feel one of the biggest issues on manacube is the disconnect between staff and players. In this thread, you can see the extent that we've had to go through to have this conversation. Let's ALL use the strategies and collaboration that were mentioned and used in this thread as we move on.


Forum God
Jul 1, 2019
1,785 69
I feel one of the biggest issues on manacube is the disconnect between staff and players
Would love a discussion thread on the disconnect between players and staff where some questions could be asked. I'd definitely be down to do that. Also things like QA will help this I'm sure. In saying that I used to be one of those players who was trusted implicitly and now its a lot more difficult.

If someone wanted to contact me about a discussion thread feel welcome. Discord: Sonic_Raptor#4349

Also a few staff have mentioned Direct Messaging but I will reiterate if you are not being heard about bugs make a ticket. Tickets don't go away and they can be seen by all staff and its not as crowded or chaotic as Discord.
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Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,934 46
Unfortunately, it seems some of us need a reminder of this.
From my perspective, I've seen us players step way up in our attempts to communicate bugs or issues we find. But the responses we get are lacking.
I don't know how else to explain to you. You made a commitment- a promise to help us, but you're not. For some of the Olympus staff and admins, it's been 4 months since you've logged on!!!! And others log on to reset their timer but haven't been active since March / April. Personally, I'd be ashamed, but to each their own. If you can't fulfill your commitment, stand up to your struggle, say 'sorry I can't do this anymore' and leave. By not, you're only causing trouble.

Another problem has recently been publicized where other game mode staff try to help solve the issues found, which I'm grateful for, but they then don't actually forward the question or report the issue!! and then it gets lost in the abyss. How is this acceptable?
Please tell me how us players can combat this.
Please tell me how this inactivity, disconnect, and these lies are acceptable.
Please tell me there is still hope for the future of ManaCube and the precious gem of Olympus.

And to be clear again before someone flips shit, this is not to attack or to disrespect. These are just my concerns and questions.
Players like myself have done so much for ManaCube. Reporting bugs, reporting players, keeping the attention of new players, making older players return, providing an income for the server, providing content and ideas for the game, giving feedback- the list goes on. But for the above to be given in response? Why should we stay?


Nov 2, 2017
1,315 43
Unfortunately, it seems some of us need a reminder of this.
From my perspective, I've seen us players step way up in our attempts to communicate bugs or issues we find. But the responses we get are lacking.
I don't know how else to explain to you. You made a commitment- a promise to help us, but you're not. For some of the Olympus staff and admins, it's been 4 months since you've logged on!!!! And others log on to reset their timer but haven't been active since March / April. Personally, I'd be ashamed, but to each their own. If you can't fulfill your commitment, stand up to your struggle, say 'sorry I can't do this anymore' and leave. By not, you're only causing trouble.

Another problem has recently been publicized where other game mode staff try to help solve the issues found, which I'm grateful for, but they then don't actually forward the question or report the issue!! and then it gets lost in the abyss. How is this acceptable?
Please tell me how us players can combat this.
Please tell me how this inactivity, disconnect, and these lies are acceptable.
Please tell me there is still hope for the future of ManaCube and the precious gem of Olympus.

And to be clear again before someone flips shit, this is not to attack or to disrespect. These are just my concerns and questions.
Players like myself have done so much for ManaCube. Reporting bugs, reporting players, keeping the attention of new players, making older players return, providing an income for the server, providing content and ideas for the game, giving feedback- the list goes on. But for the above to be given in response? Why should we stay?
I respect that you're frustrated and you don't intend to be disrespectful, so I'm trying not to create an argument.

No staff member owes you anything. That mindset is toxic and unfair. They're not getting paid. They don't have benefits. They don't get rewards.

You don't get to decide what staff members should be doing with their time. Nobody does.


Forum Master
Jan 18, 2020
343 6
Hey there @SSM_GOD ,

let me start off by saying, that I really appreciate all the effort you have put and still are putting into trying to make Olympus a better server. You really are going the extra mile and report everything you come across, which is something I really respect. I have become staff for the exact same reason, to make Olympus a better place for everyone. I know this can be super frustrating for you, when you report an issue, ping Olympus Staff and just get ignored. This should not be happening. I for myself am trying to answer every ping I possibly can and I know many other Olympus Staff try the same. There are many different reasons why something like this can happen, maybe there was no Olympus Staff available at the time or it was overlooked. We have to deal with many different things after all. I hope you can understand this.

Believe me when I tell you that we really are trying to test and report issues in a timely manner. Most issues can only be dealt with by Higher Ups (Admins, etc.), which have loads to deal with as they are responsible for the whole network. That's why it sometimes takes months for a seemingly "small" issue to be fixed.

My DM's on Discord are always open. If you ever have any questions or issues, feel free to forward them directly, as I'm rather quick to respond.

I really hope you still have fun playing Olympus.
Thank you for all the effort you have put into Olympus, it may not seem like it but it is very appreciated!


Cookie Kat

Forum God
Oct 17, 2018
1,278 98
Sad because my post got yeeted :(