Your Minecraft Username
What server are you applying for
First name Will
Age 14
Country or Timezone
United States
Discord username
Why do you want to become staff?
I want to be stuff because, I want to help out with mana cubes survival since it's kind of my favorite. I also would enjoy having this as a responsibility and would love to help out I can be mature when necessary.
How long have you played on ManaCube?
1-2 weeks maybe
How many hours a week can you dedicate to Manacube? 15-40 hours
What skills do you feel you have that will help the server?
Reporting Supervising giving out warnings and mostly helping people out with questions
What experiences have you had which could help you as staff? I've been co-owner in a server of my friend
What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a helper?
If i see a problem with players ill immediately get on it and give warnings, i can also help people out a lot and be online about 4-8 hours a day
Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
To keep the game clean and fair so other players can enjoy the game without other having an upper hand handle problems with or between players
Are you able to use recording software? Yes,,
Anything else we should know?
i might not always be available to microphone but i will try my best
You are aware that all information provided must be true, and if found to be false, will result in an automatic rejection of this application
You are aware that if you are accepted, you will be required to use a microphone for some sections of staff training to talk with the senior staff member leading your initial and future training sessions:
You are aware that you may not use generative AI to write your application for you. Any suspicion of doing so will result in a rejection.
What server are you applying for
First name Will
Age 14
Country or Timezone
United States
Discord username
Why do you want to become staff?
I want to be stuff because, I want to help out with mana cubes survival since it's kind of my favorite. I also would enjoy having this as a responsibility and would love to help out I can be mature when necessary.
How long have you played on ManaCube?
1-2 weeks maybe
How many hours a week can you dedicate to Manacube? 15-40 hours
What skills do you feel you have that will help the server?
Reporting Supervising giving out warnings and mostly helping people out with questions
What experiences have you had which could help you as staff? I've been co-owner in a server of my friend
What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a helper?
If i see a problem with players ill immediately get on it and give warnings, i can also help people out a lot and be online about 4-8 hours a day
Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
To keep the game clean and fair so other players can enjoy the game without other having an upper hand handle problems with or between players
Are you able to use recording software? Yes,,
Anything else we should know?
i might not always be available to microphone but i will try my best
You are aware that all information provided must be true, and if found to be false, will result in an automatic rejection of this application
You are aware that if you are accepted, you will be required to use a microphone for some sections of staff training to talk with the senior staff member leading your initial and future training sessions:
You are aware that you may not use generative AI to write your application for you. Any suspicion of doing so will result in a rejection.