Honestly I think the hack check thing is a good and bad idea, it might glitch and ban non-hackers or players that are lagging a lot because of their internet or something, we don't know what could be cause, even a mod that's not illegal might make it look like ban, sometimes when I ride a boat on a server it kicks me saying I am fly hacking if I stay on the boat for more than 10 minutes, and later the server shut down from ragequits, (Not that Minevast players should ever ragequit since this server is to awesome), anyways I say you should make a plugin some what working, just one that reports them or notes them as hackers, and have actual staff take a look at it and decide or keep an eye on them, necessary things for them to be banned for their hacks are (Proof of hacking, What kind of Hack, How many times warned, and a Staff taking a look at all things and making sure it's reasonable, and more than one player saying he hacks). Then again you could always buy an unban thing and get another chance or make a ban appeal. Donating to Minevast is a great idea so you should donate to it.