How are parkour jumps counted?


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2016
So with the whole new update to parkour and jumps being moved to the scoreboard on the right hand of the screen, it leaves me to wonder how the jumps are counted. I came to think this after originally it had displayed 100K in the chat near my name pre update, where as now it shows only 90k on the scoreboard. I'm not really fussed about this but it would be cool to know how it works.

Here's a couple of ideas of what might not be counted:
  • Slab jumps don't count [Solved]
  • Stairs jumps don't count [Solved]
  • Ladder jumps don't count
  • Water jumps don't count
  • Jumps on the spot don't count
  • Ice jumps do not count [Solved]
  • Auto-jumps don't count (threw this in there because of 1.10 and onwards)
  • Jumps only count on courses not Spawn or the pathways leading to course
  • Jumps were only counted from after the update with score and champion
Debunked theories:
  • Walking onto the black wool that flings you forwards doesn't count as a jump.
    • However jumping on it does.
  • Walking up any block does not count as a jump.
    • These include slabs, stairs and snow.
I've tested some of these and can say that some of them do actually contribute to the number of jumps you have but it would be great if collectively we could figure this out or if someone else *cough* @Dacon *cough* could tell us. Thanks to everyone in advance.

I'll edit the post as we discover together.

Your local Asian,

P.S. For some people who think I'm complaining, The list I provided was only a little mood board to help surface other ideas other people have. I am in no way saying that none of these are true or false in anyway. I'm also not complaining about my jumps. It's only a number. I thought I'd get the knowledge of others and then figure this out.
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Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2016
All those types of jumps count, the reason the number is off is because the amount of times you jumped on the Parkour-2 server isn't added to the PK-1 server. (It is, but it isnt displayed in the sidebar). This will be fixed soon
Oh right. Well I guess that concludes this thread. Thanks for the reply :D