KitPvP Updates, ideas, and more. Please read!


Forum Master
Oct 2, 2020
502 57

I have been recently pondering ideas that could be incorporated into the KitPvP game mode. Since the server will most likely not reset any time soon, I figured that I can suggest some ideas that can make it more interesting while we wait for a reset. Some of these ideas are huge, and would take a lot of work, and I'm sure a reset would be easier, but I still think that they are awesome ideas.

First suggestion: More custom titles. I think that the few custom KitPvP titles are quite nice, but I think that there can be more. Lets start with the first one. Fishy. I think that the fishy title can be given as a reward for catching a high number of fish. This title would not only be quite interesting, but could add another purpose for players to engage in fishing.

Now for the toxic title. I'm not to sure how it would be earned, but I think that it should be incorporated in some way, simply because Kit players are extremely toxic. I also think I hit it out of the park when making this title! (Send Ideas on how this can be incorporated!)

Now for KoTH Master! The koth master title can be eared from winning (capping) a certain (high) amount of KoTH events. I used the idea from the Job master title from survival. I think that it would add a nice touch to the Koth event.

Ignore the last title, I don't like it to much, and I'm to lazy to edit the screenshot!

Now for the titles on the right.

All of these titles are for the newly added scrambler on kit. These title ideas can be added to all servers, as an incentive to participate in the scramblers, aside from just the mana. Credit to @Triece for thinking of the idea in general, but I made the titles ;)

For the Nuked title. I think that this title can be a reward for calling in a nuke on KitPVP. Currently, the only use for the nuke is to prestige. I think that by adding this title as a reward for nuking the server, it will increase the amount of players that will want to "grind" for it. Now, the price of the nuke should now be higher, due to the extreme epicness of the title (Is that a word?) I took the idea from the Factions "Nuked" Title.


Now, for an event that I think would greatly make the server more enjoyable, is something from the old skyblock. Back in 2018, when there was only one skyblock server, there was an event at /warp pvp. I am not to sure what it was called, but there were Islands that you could parkour to, to find loot boxes on each one. There were 10+ islands that were pretty big. Enough about the islands though, because this isn't skyblock! I think that this event could scatter chests arount the map. I'm talking ALL OVER the map (Making it impossible to camp certain locations in good gear) The loot boxes can include 1 item per box, maybe two. They can rage from rare, to common items. The items can be, but shouldn't be limited to: 32 golden apples, 8 pearls, a Legendary key, an Ancient key, a Good sword, diamond pieces, money pouch, a .25 or .50 cubit redeem crystal, and for the really rare ones, that should be hard to find, a custom title. I don't have an idea for what this title could be yet, but you guys can add suggestions below! I think that this event can greatly improve the KitPvP game mode, by making it easier to get items similar to KoTH loot, if you are a newer player that isn't to good at PvP, or that doesn't have good gear, or a squad. This event shouldn't be common, maybe once per week. You can give it a catchy title, such as "LootDash, or LootHunt" and add a command like /koth for players to use to see when the next event is, and a list of prizes/loot to be found.

Now for some smaller things, such as bug fixes, and smaller suggestions, that I think could help retain players, and make the game more enjoyalbe.

A KitPvP tutorial.

This is another idea also mentioned by user @ntc . This tutorial function will prevent players from constantly spamming "Pay to win!!!" and "HOW TO GET MANA?????". I do enjoy answering questions that new players might have, but it can get annoying when they start to constantly spam, and use tons of caps. I think that this would greatly benefit KitPvP, and would be able to retain more players, instead of them quitting because it is "pay to win".

Alternative ways to get mana

I think that there should be more ways to get mana. Currently I have almost all achievements completed and can find it quite harder to get mana. I know that there is voting, and Killstreaks that also give mana, but I think that voting just isn't worth it for the mana. Killstreaks can be quite hard to get for players like me, that don't particularly have a team, and can't really "farm" kills that easily, without getting bombarded by 500 other players. I think by adding another alternative way to get mana it will be a bit easier to get items from /bm. I don't quite have ideas for this yet, but you guys can suggest some!

VPN Blocker

Similar to other servers, I think manacube should have a VPN blocker for KitPvP. This will block people that get banned for cheating, from coming back on the 100+ NFA alts that they can purchase for a dollar. This would be extremely usefull for catching players that evade bans, and reduce the amount of hacking players greatly. I do understand that players can do bad things over the internet, such as doxxing, and that most people use VPN's to feel safe. I think that if you were to incorporate a VPN blocker, it would reduce the amount of players that just go on NFA alts, with VPN's to cheat.

Next, I am going to list the several bugs that need to be fixed. Some of these bugs are just visual, such as the hours bug, and some others can be quite confusing for other players.

The Hours bug

The hours bug has been a bug/glitch for a long time. It currently says that I have almost one million hours, which is odd.

Although I enjoy playing Manacube, I don't think I would spend that many hours online, even if I had the option of immortality.
I often see other players wondering how they can see how much time that they actually have spent, and other newer players get confused and wonder why they have over 100 hours, upon just joining.


Gary has been broken for a while. Currently, the time function on him is broken, making it near impossible to claim all 7 daily rewards. This is one of the achievments required to prestige. Some players that didn't prestige 5 times before he broke, can't prestige again until he is fixed. I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen or not, but after reboots, and every time you get kicked, you reset the Gary clock. I think that if you log off of the entire server completely, then it would reset.

The "Keep item" bug/glitch

Currently, there is a way to keep a few items after dying. I won't go to much into detail but this is an annoying bug that players know how to use to keep items. It can make the game unfair.

In conclusion, there are many things that I think could benefit KitPvP, to make it more fun and enjoyable. There are also bugs that should be fixed to also overall improve the game mode.

I heard that @Lavendel was taking suggestions for KitPvP, and here is my list! Thank you to @Quick and other users such as @ntc and @Triece for helping with these ideas, and for caring about KitPVP. I truly hope some of these (or all of them ;)) get considered, because it will make Kit more enjoyable and overall EPIC.

Love you guys,

Pengstr | Penguin



Forum Expert
Jan 31, 2020
214 20
I love the concepts and ideas. I'll see to discussing it more and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestions!


Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,931 53
I'm not sure a tutorial is really necessary.. I understand it on more complex game modes like Olympus or maybe Skyblock, but I think if anyone wants to play kitpvp, they don't need a tutorial. And like on Olympus, I'm not sure the tutorial actually does anything. People are still constantly asking questions that would be answered in the tutorial.

There are ways, not really even difficult ways, to get around VPN blockers.

I think there should definitely be more kitpvp events. More in the game, as well as more server-wide pvp based events. Possibly UHC, or survival games, or tournaments.

I think an excellent way for 'more ways to get mana' would be daily challenges. Not only would this supply more mana, but it would give an incentive for half-inactive players, like myself, to come back every day. And I know that's been a focal point for a long while on kit.

I love the titles! They surely would give more uniqueness to kit on Manacube.


Forum Master
Oct 2, 2020
502 57
I'm not sure a tutorial is really necessary.. I understand it on more complex game modes like Olympus or maybe Skyblock, but I think if anyone wants to play kitpvp, they don't need a tutorial. And like on Olympus, I'm not sure the tutorial actually does anything. People are still constantly asking questions that would be answered in the tutorial.

There are ways, not really even difficult ways, to get around VPN blockers.

I think there should definitely be more kitpvp events. More in the game, as well as more server-wide pvp based events. Possibly UHC, or survival games, or tournaments.

I think an excellent way for 'more ways to get mana' would be daily challenges. Not only would this supply more mana, but it would give an incentive for half-inactive players, like myself, to come back every day. And I know that's been a focal point for a long while on kit.

I love the titles! They surely would give more uniqueness to kit on Manacube.
Yeah, I agree with most of what you have said except the first bit. I do understand that the game mode olympus is really complicated, but just like Oly, players are constantly asking questions in chat. I do enjoy answering them from time to time, but it can get quite extreme.

Thanks for your reply!

Penguin | Pengstr


Forum God
Jul 28, 2020
1,364 146

How about a new map while you admins are at it
Jan 22, 2021
6 3
I totally agree with all of this!!
Discord: Jag#3892