Map judges generally look down upon maps with the biome theme because they are overdone :( Other than that the build was okay, but there were a handful of problems with the map. Don't rely on barriers to stop a player from going somewhere, they should only be used as a last resort if you can't find a way to obscure an unintended path. If you use barriers as freely as you did, it gets annoying to play through. The map felt easier than the average easy map, but also was about 3x the length of an easy map. Jump diversity is also an issue, several similar jumps in a row and jumping from full block A to full block B aren't favorable. If you can improve your parkour building skills, I'm sure you can get a new map accepted. Also, one thing to keep in mind when building a map is that the start should ideally be in the center of the map. The actual parkour selection road doesn't turn, it only goes straight, so it doesn't really allow for maps that start at a corner to be added in smoothly