since shout is a perk from a paid rank, they cant give people the option to mute them because that defeats the whole purpose of them and its a complete waste
If you are using a custom client they might have a chatfilter available (LunarClient, LabyMod), you would simply need to turn it on and block [SHOUT] or if they support regex you could use /(.*) (\[[A-Z]{5}\]) ([a-zA-Z]{3,16})(\:) (.*)/gm.
If you are using a custom client they might have a chatfilter available (LunarClient, LabyMod), you would simply need to turn it on and block [SHOUT] or if they support regex you could use /(.*) (\[[A-Z]{5}\]) ([a-zA-Z]{3,16})(\:) (.*)/gm.
Why can't we mute shouts? Especially when stuff like this is going on or when people are spam-shouting paragraphs about random things.
View attachment 65329
since shout is a perk from a paid rank, they cant give people the option to mute them because that defeats the whole purpose of them and its a complete waste