Hi itsgondi! I wanted to give you my personal feedback on your map. Please note this is only my opinion, and I don't mean to hurt your feelings in any way. First of all, The build. There should be a central build to your map, or a theme. The map does have a theme, but there is no central build to attach your parkour to. Next time, try to make one build that is big, and has enough room to fit all your parkour. That leads me to my next point. It's all floating. Try to have a main build for the parkour to connect to. This can keep it from looking messy. Don't get me wrong floating parkour is ok, as long as it goes well with the map and doesn't obstruct your build in any way. You can do this by picking an original theme, and picking one specific thing about it. In this case, maybe an iron ore, and just build the iron ore block. Though in this instance ores is sadly not original as there are already builds with this theme. Try to choose something that no one has done before! Lastly, the parkour is a problem. You should try adding variety to the jumps. This could be slime, heads, flower pots, and so much more. It makes the parkour more fun to do! For a medium map, it's too easy, and some of the checkpoints are very close together. Good luck!